Meaning of BASE in English


Function: adjective


Synonyms: IGNOBLE 1, baseborn, humble, low, lowborn, lowly, mean, plebeian, unennobled, unwashed


Synonyms: CHEAP 2, common, mean, paltry, poor, rubbishy, shoddy, sleazy, tatty, trashy

3 contemptible because beneath minimal standards of human decency FF1C; a base lying cheat FF1E;

Synonyms: despicable, ignoble, low, low-down, servile, sordid, squalid, ugly, vile, wretched; compare CONTEMPTIBLE

Related Words: beggarly, lousy, sorry; abominable, disgraceful, loathsome; bad, evil, wicked; base-minded, low-minded, meanspirited; caitiff, cowardly, dastardly, recreant; unworthy; dirty, filthy; degrading, humiliating, ignominious

Contrasted Words: honest, honorable, upright; virtuous; ethical, moral, righteous; fair, forbearing, open-minded, patient, reasonable, tolerant, understanding

Antonyms: noble

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.