Meaning of DNS RECORD TYPES in English

A- Address , specifying the IP address

CNAME- Canonical name , an alias pointing to the true name of the host. Requires its right hand side to have an A record.

HINFO- Host information , detailed information about the specific host, such as location or operating system version.

LOC- Location , specifies the geographical location of the host.

MX- Mail exchange , specifies that the host on the left side will accept mail for the host on the right hand side at the priority shown (lower is preferred).

NS- Name server , specifies a host that will act as a domain name server for the specified domain.

PTR- Pointer , used to provide reverse lookups .

RP- Responsible person, the contact information for the specified domain.

SOA- Start of authority , the meta information for the specified zone. Contains email

information, a serial number, and the time to live values. The specific format is defined in RFC 2181 .

TXT- Text , a comment on the record. Otherwise ignored.

WKS- Well-known services , lists those services for a host. Allows for mnemonics (http,smtp, telnet) instead of specifying port numbers (80, 25, 21).

Josh's Network English Glossary.      Английский словарь Josh's Network.