Meaning of BITE in English


Function: noun

Date: 15th century

1 a : the act of biting b : the manner of biting especially : OCCLUSION 1B

2 : FOOD : as a : the amount of food taken at a bite : MORSEL b : a small amount of food : SNACK <have a bite to eat>

3 archaic a : CHEAT , TRICK b : SHARPER

4 : a wound made by biting

5 : the hold or grip by which friction is created or purchase is obtained

6 : a surface that creates friction or is brought into contact with another for the purpose of obtaining a hold

7 a : a keen incisive quality b : a sharp penetrating effect

8 : a single exposure of an etcher's plate to the corrosive action of acid

9 : an amount taken usually in one operation for one purpose : SHARE


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