Meaning of INSTRUMENT in English

noun a contrivance or implement, by which musical sounds are produced; as, a musical instrument.

2. instrument ·noun one who, or that which, is made a means, or is caused to serve a purpose; a medium, means, or agent.

3. instrument ·vt to perform upon an instrument; to prepare for an instrument; as, a sonata instrumented for orchestra.

4. instrument ·noun a writing, as the means of giving formal expression to some act; a writing expressive of some act, contract, process, as a deed, contract, writ, ·etc.

5. instrument ·noun that by means of which any work is performed, or result is effected; a tool; a utensil; an implement; as, the instruments of a mechanic; astronomical instruments.

Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Webster.