1. зарядка; загрузка 2. заряд взрывчатого вещества 3. pl расходы, издержки 4. обязанности, ответственность to explode a charge — взрывать заряд; to fire a charge — взрывать заряд; to seam a charge — производить забойку заряда; to tamp a charge — производить забойку заряда - blasthole charge - blasting charge - borehole charge - buried charge - capacity charge - capsule jet charge - carrotless charge - charge of rupture - combined charge - commodity charge - confined charge - customer charge - deep-hole charge - deep-seated charge - detonating charge - directional charge - double-ended charge - elongated charge - energy charge - exploding charge - explosive charge - fuel charge - gaging charge - group charge - group jet charge - heavy charge - high-explosive charge - high-pressure charge - horizontally distributed charges - hot charge - initial charge - initiating charge - jet charge in glass capsule - jet charge - jet perforator charge - maintenance charges - meter charge - multiple charge - no-plug jet charge - power charge - priming charge - refraction charge - ring charge - ring jet charge - seismic charge - service charges - setting charge - shaped charge - shaped jet charge - shothole charge - single charge - slow-burning charge - standby charges - standing charge - suspended charge - tamped charge - unexploded charge - vertically distributed charges - warranty charges - working charges
Англо-русский перевод CHARGE
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998