1. сущ. 1) забота 2) руководство 3) ответственность 4) предписание, приказ, требование 5) цена 6) сбор, начисление 7) обременение 8) дебет, долговое обязательство 9) налог 10) обвинение 11) расход 12) плата • - administrative charge - at his own charge - at no charge - base charge - be free from any charge or incumbrance - be in charge of - be in charge - bring a charge against - carrying charge - carrying charge - charge a fee - charge a jury - charge a price - charge account - charge buyer - Charge Card - charge collect - charge for a call - charge interest - charge of fraud - charge on assets - charge on pay-roll - charge tax - charge to account - charge to expenses - charge to jury - charge with costs - charge with crime - charge with expenses - connection charge - contingent deferred sales charge - customs clearance charge - delivery charge - deny the charge - detention charge - dismiss the charge - early redemption charge period - early redemption charge - exchange charge - finance charge - financing charge - free of charge - freight charge - further charge - in charge of - interest charge - no charge - person in charge - prior charge - take charge of - user charge Syn: expense, expenditure, outlay, disbursement, fee, payment, pay, responsibility, liability 2. гл. 1) назначать цену, просить, требовать (цену) 2) взыскивать 3) дебетовать 4) записывать на счет, поставить на счет 5) обременять; вменять в обязанность 6) обвинять 7) списывать со счета (off) 8) завышать цену (up) - charge a high price - charge commission - charge to account
Англо-русский перевод CHARGE
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001