1. фактор; составной элемент 2. показатель; коэффициент; множитель - ability factor - absorption factor - acceleration factor - activity factor - anisotropic factor - anisotropy factor - apparent formation factor - apparent metal factor - array factor - atmospheric gas factor - availability degradation factor - availability factor - balance factor - borehole geometric factor - bubble-point gas-in-oil solubility factor - buffer factor - calculated gas factor - capacity factor - catalyst carbon factor - catalyst gas factor - cement shrinkage factor - cementation factor - change rate factor - characteristic factors - characterization factors - coagulation factor - coke-permeability factor - compacting factor - compressibility factor - condensate recovery factor - corrosion factor - coverage factor - criticality factor - degradation factor - demand factor - dependability factor - derating factor - derrick efficiency factor - design factor - design load factor - detectability factor - deterioration factor - deviation factor - drainage-recovery factor - duty factor - effective porosity factor - engineering factors - exposure factor - factor of defectiveness - factor of porosity - factor of saturation - failure factor - failure rate acceleration factor - fatigue factor - fault coverage factor - fault factor - field-geological factor - field-usage factor - filtration factor - flow resistance factor - flowing gas factor - formation cementation factor - formation compressibility factor - formation drillability factor - formation factor - formation porosity factor - formation pressure conductivity factor - formation resistivity factor - formation volume factor - freeze-proof factor - gas factor - gas-compressibility factor - gas-deviation factor - gas-formation volume factor - gas-in-oil solubility factor - gas-input factor - gas-in-water solubility factor - gas-producing factor - gas-recovery factor - gas-saturation factor - geological factor - geometrical divergence factor - geometrical factor - geometrical formation factor - geotectonical factor - gradient correction factor - hydrogeological factor - inherent reliability factor - initial gas-in-oil solubility factor - input gas factor - instantaneous gas factor - integrated pseudogeometrical factor - invariable gas factor - invasion factor - life factor - limit load factor - limiting formation factor - lithological factor - lithological-and-temperature factor - load factor - load factor - maintainability factor - maintenance factor - maintenance priority factor - maintenance replacement factor - modal attenuation factor - Murphree efficiency factor - oil formation volume factor - oil recovery factor - oil saturation factor - oil saturation factor - oil shrinkage factor - oil shrinkage factor - operating gas factor - operational factor - output factor - output gas factor - packing factor - permeability stratification factor - plate efficiency factor - porosity stratification factor - pressure conductivity factor - pressure loss factor - pressure loss factor - productivity factor - pseudogeometrical factor - radial geometrical factor - radial pseudogeometrical factor - readiness factor - real gas factor - recovery factor - redundancy improvement factor - reflection factor - reflectivity factor - reliability factor - reliability improvement factor - repair efficiency factor - repairability factor - replacement factor - reserve factor - reservoir factor - reservoir volume factor - residual gas saturation factor - residual oil saturation factor - residual water saturation factor - restorability factor - retardation factor - rope safety factor - safe-load factor - safety factor - service factor - severity factor - single-phase oil formation volume factor - sliding factor - solubility factor - sonic compaction correction factor - stabilization factor - static safety factor - steam-zone shape factor - stratigraphical factor - strength factor - structure factor - technical replacement factor - temperature factor - testability factor - total gas factor - total oil formation volume factor - toughness factor - two-phase oil formation volume factor - ultimate gas recovery factor - ultimate oil recovery factor - unification factor - unit geometrical factor - use degradation factor - utilization factor - viscosity factor - void factor - warning factor - water encroachment factor - water formation volume factor - water saturation factor - wear-out factor - well flow factor - well productivity factor - zero viscosity factor
Англо-русский перевод FACTOR
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998