1) фактор || факторный 2) коэффициент; множитель 3) показатель 4) факторизовать; разлагать на множители • by a factor of n — в n раз factor outside x — множитель перед x {to }correct by the factor — вводить поправочный множитель {to }diminish by the factor of N — уменьшать в N раз {to }factor by — умножать на {to }factor into — разлагать на {to }reduce a fraction by a factor — приводить дробь к общему знаменателю; сокращать дробь на некоторый множитель - absolutely free factor - accountable factor - aha factor - alternating-sign factor - association factor - atomic scattering factor - audibility factor - automorphic factor - bipolar factor - blasting factor - block factor - blocking factor - branching factor - causal factor - central significant factor - centroid factor - chance factor - characteristically simple factor - chief factor - circulating factor - circulation multiplicity factor - commutative factor - complementary factor - completely simple factor - complex factor - composition factor - constant factor - constraint factor - controlled factor - convergence factor - converging factor - cyclical factor - demagnetizing factor - depolarizing factor - deseasonalizing factor - dielectric dissipation factor - dimension factor - direct factor - directed factor - directly indecomposable factor - dispersion factor - divergence factor - dominant factor - doublet factor - dryness factor - dummy factor - emergency outage factor - engagement factor - extra factor - factor of algebraic polynomial - factor of graph - factor of integer - factor of matroid - factor of merit - factor of proportionality - factor of subdivision - factor of term - factor out - field form factor - finite factor - first shape factor - fixed factor - flare factor - flicker factor - force factor - forecasting factor - free factor - frequency force factor - fudge factor - gas amplification factor - gas yield factor - Gaunt correction factor - general factor - governing factor - gradation factor - greatest common factor - greatest prime factor - gust factor - gust load factor - highest common factor - hyperfinite factor - ignorance factor - indecomposable factor - inseparable factor - interaction factor - interlace factor - internal factor - invariant factor - irreducible factor - joining factor - klirr factor - labor participation factor - lateral load factor - lattice-ordered factor - likelihood factor - logarithmic factor - logical factor - longitudinal load factor - lower central factor - main factor - main plot factor - maneuver load factor - matching factor - measurable factor - mismatching factor - monomial factor - multiple factor - multiplier factor - mutual coupling factor - nested factor - nilpotent factor - noncommutative factor - nonlinear distortion factor - nonrandom factor - normal load factor - normalization factor - normalizing factor - operator factor - overcorrection factor - overrelaxation factor - pattern-propagation factor - periodicity factor - phase-angle correction factor - pitch factor - plane earth factor - plot factor - precision factor - preexponential factor - proper factor - proportional control factor - pulse duty factor - pump modulation factor - pumping factor - qualitative factor - quantitative factor - queueing utility factor - quotient convergence factor - reactance factor - reduced factor - regular factor - relative complexity factor - repetition factor - replication factor - reset factor of a relay - scalar factor - scatter factor - second shape factor - secondary factor - selectivity factor - semifinite factor - semigroup factor - shadow factor - signature factor - silt factor - single scale factor - singular factor - spherical earth factor - stabilization factor - stadia factor - statistical factor - statistical weight factor - steric factor - strain sensitivity factor - subgroup factor - subplot factor - surplus factor - synchronization factor - test compression factor - thermal stability factor - transition factor - transverse load factor - trigonometric factor - trivial factor - turbine load factor - uncertainty factor - uncontrolled factor - unessential factor - unit factor - unsymmetrical factor - upper central factor - use factor - utilization factor - variability factor - variable factor - variation factor - visibility factor
Англо-русский перевод FACTOR
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005