топливо, горючее || заправлять топливом to fuel up — заправлять топливом - acid sludge fuel - additional fuel - aircraft engine fuel grade 100 - alcohol fuel - alternate fuel - antiknock fuel - antipinking fuel - aromatic fuel - ash-free fuel - ashless fuel - automotive fuel - aviation blending fuel - aviation fuel - aviation mixed fuel - black oil fuel - blended fuel - blending fuel - borderline motor fuel - bunker fuel - by-product fuel - coal-in-oil fuel - colloidal fuel - commercial grade fuel - competiting fuels - composite fuel - corrosion-inhibited fuel - diesel fuel - domestic fuel - doped fuel - dribbling diesel fuel - dry gas fuel - emulsified fuel - engine fuel - environmentally friendly fuel - ethanol fuel - ethylized fuel - finished fuel - fossil fuel - gas fuel - gaseous fuel - generative fuel - heavy oil fuel - high-antiknock fuel - high-antiknock rating base fuel - high-duty fuel - high-energy fuel - high-flash fuel - high-grade fuel - high-gravity fuel - high-speed diesel fuel - high-sulfur fuel - high-volatile fuel - household fuel - hydrocarbon fuel - jet aircraft fuel - knock-free fuel - knock-resistant fuel - lead-free fuel - light diesel fuel - light volatile fuel - liquefied fuel - liquid fuel - liquid gas fuel - liquid hydrocarbon fuel - liquid transportation fuel - low-grade fuel - low-gravity fuel - low-quality fuel - low-sulfur fuel - low-volatility fuel - mineral fuel - moderately volatile fuel - motor fuel - motor volatile fuel - neohexane fuel - nonhydrocarbon motor fuel - nonleaded fuel - oil fuel - oxygen-oil rocket fuel - patch fuel - petroleum fuel - pollution-free fuel - poor diesel fuel - poor ignition quality fuel - power booster fuel - power fuel - power-plant fuel - premium fuel - premium motor fuel - premium-priced fuel - pressure fuel - primary fuel - pumpable fuel - railroad fuel - raw fuel - reference fuel - refined fuel - replacement fuel - residual fuel - safety fuel - secondary fuel - shellspark fuel - solid fuel - standard fuel - starting fuel - stove fuel - sulfur-bearing fuel - sulfur-free fuel - superoctane fuel - synthetic liquid fuel - temporary fuel - transport fuel - turbine fuel - two-stroke fuel - unleaded fuel - unsafe fuel - vehicle fuel - wide-cut diesel fuel
Англо-русский перевод FUEL
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998