n. & v.
1. material, esp. coal, wood, oil, etc., burnt or used as a source of heat or power.
2 food as a source of energy.
3 material used as a source of nuclear energy.
4 anything that sustains or inflames emotion or passion.
--v. (fuelled, fuelling; US fueled, fueling)
1. tr. supply with fuel.
2 tr. sustain or inflame (an argument, feeling, etc.) (drink fuelled his anger).
3 intr. take in or get fuel.
Phrases and idioms:
fuel cell a cell producing an electric current direct from a chemical reaction. fuel element an element of nuclear fuel etc. for use in a reactor. fuel injection the direct introduction of fuel under pressure into the combustion units of an internal-combustion engine. fuel oil oil used as fuel in an engine or furnace.
Etymology: ME f. AF fuaille, fewaile, OF fouaille, ult. f. L focus hearth