Англо-русский перевод STITCH

1) швейн. стежок 2) стачивать; прострачивать, прокладывать строчку 3) петля (в трикотажном переплетении) 4) трикотажное переплетение 5) полигр. стежок, петля 6) полигр. шитьё || шить, сшивать; брошюровать 7) резин. прикатывать • to depress stitches — оттягивать петли (при вязании на трикотажной машине) - Alpine stitch - anchor stitch - arch horn stitch - back stitch - back-and-fore stitch - balloon stitch - barring stitch - basting stitch - blanket stitch - blind lap stitch - blind stitch - bold stitch - brier stitch - buttonhole stitch - catch stitch - chain lock stitch - chain stitch - chain-outline stitch - continuous return trip stitch - corded stitch - couching stitch - cover seaming chain stitch - covering stitch - cover stitch - crease stitch - creed stitch - cross stitch - damask stitch - darning stitch - decorative stitch - diagonal basting stitch - diamond stitch - double chain stitch - double lock stitch - double-double locked stitch - double-locked chain stitch - dropped stitch - drop stitch - edge felling stitch - embroidery darning stitch - embroidery stitch - fagotting stitch - fancy stitch - feather stitch - felling stitch - festoon stitch - flat lock stitch - half-back stitch - hemming stitch - hem stitch - Herakles stitch - herringbone stitch - interlock stitch - invisible stitch - lace stitch - ladder stitch - lapping stitch - large crown stitch - large wavy stitch - lock stitch - loop stitch - loose stitches - machine stitch with hand stitched look - missed stitch - ornamental mock stitch - ornamental stitch - outline stitch - overcasting stitch - overchain stitch - overedge stitch - overhanding stitch - overlaid stitch - overseam stitch - padding stitch - pick stitch - pillar stitch - plain jersey stitch - plain stitch - plaited stitch - plaiting stitch - purl stitch - ray stitch - relaxed stitch - rickrack stitch - rope stitch - running stitch - saddle stitch - safety stitch - satin stitch - shuttle stitch - slanting stitch - slip stitch - stab stitch - star stitch - stay stitch - stem stitch - stoting stitch - straight stitch - T stitch - tight stitch - tuck stitch - union stitch - unwanted tuck stitches - wave stitch - whipping stitch - whip stitch - wind stitch

РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo.      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО.