Meaning of STITCH in English


Pronunciation: ' stich

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English stiche, from Old English stice; akin to Old English stician to stick

Date: before 12th century

1 : a local sharp and sudden pain especially in the side

2 a : one in-and-out movement of a threaded needle in sewing, embroidering, or suturing b : a portion of thread left in the material or suture left in the tissue after one stitch

3 : a least bit especially of clothing <didn't have a stitch on>

4 : a single loop of thread or yarn around an implement (as a knitting needle or crochet hook)

5 : a stitch or series of stitches formed in a particular way <a basting stitch >

– in stitches : in a state of uncontrollable laughter <he had us all in stitches >

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