1) орудие (производства); инструмент || обрабатывать инструментом; подвергать механической обработке 2) резец; режущий инструмент 3) средство; приспособление; оснастка 4) станок || производить наладку (станка) 5) устанавливать инструмент (на станок) 6) геофиз. скважинный прибор 7) полигр. инструмент для тиснения 8) мн. ч. вспомогательные программные средства 9) мн. ч. инструментальные средства 10) оснащать инструментом 11) водить (транспортное средство) 12) перевозить (на транспортном средстве) 13) исправлять ошибки (в печатной форме) • to orient a deflecting tool — ориентировать отклоняющий инструмент; to pull tools — поднимать бурильную колонну (из скважины, включая установку бурильных труб на подсвечник); to reposition tool — повторно установить инструмент в (заданную) координату; to run tools to the bottom — спускать инструмент на забой скважины; to stack the tools — "выбрасывать" бурильные трубы на мостки; to tool up — оснащать инструментом - abrading tool - abrasive tool - AC-assisted machine tool - AC machine tool - injection installation tool - inserted carbide tool - insertion tool - inspection tool - installation tool - internal boring tool - internal diameter tool - internal tool - irradiated tool - knurling tool - lapping tool - lathe tool - life-expired tool - limbing tool - machine gun-like space tool - machine tool - machining tool - mandrel-type logging tool - manually adjustable tool - marine riser handling tool - marking tool - master measuring tool - metal-cutting tool - microprocessor-controlled space tool - microsizing tool - millable tool - milling tool - mini CNC machine tool - modular tool - multifluted tool - multipurpose hand tool - multipurpose tool - multitoothed tool - NC machine tool - n-gamma tool - n-n tool - noise logging tool - noise tool - noncompensated sonic tool - nonrotating tool - n-tool - numerically controlled machine tool - obstruction tool - OD tool - OD-turning tool - offset tool - old tool - orbital repair tool - outside diameter tool - packer setting tool - parting-off tool - parting tool - pickup tool - pipe alignment tool - pipe handling tool - planer tool - pneumatic tool - point tool - polishing tool - poor tool - positive/negative tool - positive/positive tool - power ratchet tool - powered epithermal neutron tool - powered orienting tool - powered tool - precision tool - preset tool - press tool - production combination tool - programmed hand-held tool - programming tools - proximity logging tool - pumpdown tool - radioactive tool - radioactive tracer tool - random tools - rebuilt machine tool - reciprocating tool - reclaiming tool - recondition tool - reconditioned tool - refurbished tool - relieving tool - replacement tool - reprogrammed hand-held tool - retrieving tool - retrofitted machine tool - reversing tool - robot tool - roller burnishing tool - rotating tool - roughing tool - rough-turning tool - round-nosed tool - round-nose tool - runner-care tools - running and handling tool - safety tool - saw-setting tool - scraping tool - scribing tool - service man's tool - shaping tool - shuttle computer-connected tool - side-facing tool - side-wall neutron porosity log tool - single-layer tool - single-point tool - single-purpose machine tool - sizing tool - slag-removing tool - slotting tool - small-bore tool - software tools - software-developing tools - soldering tool - sonic logging tool - sonic tool - space repair tool - spacewalk tool - specialized machine tool - specially outfitted machine tool - spinning tool - spring removal tool - squeeze cementing tool - staking tool - steering tool - step-and-repeat tool - straight-turning tool - strapping tool - stud welding tool - supportive tools - support tools - swaging tool - tape-controlled tool - tapered shank tool - taper shank tool - task tool - taught tool - thermal decay-time tool - thread-cutting tool - threading tool - throw-away carbide tool - touch sensitive tool - track maintenance tool - trepanning tool - truing tool - turning tool - unattended machine tool - underrun tool - undetected broken tool - universal astronaut's tool - unmanned machine tool - vacuumized space tool - valve grinding tool - versatile machine tool - vibrating tool - wear-prone tool - wire-bending tool - wireless tool - wireline plug-setting tool - wireline tool - wood-working tool - work tool - worn tool - wrapping tool - zero-torque space tool
Англо-русский перевод TOOL
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997