1) инструмент; орудие, орудие производства
2) резец; инструмент, режущий инструмент; черновой резец ( зубострогального станка )
3) приспособление; оснастка
4) pl инструментарий; средства; совокупность инструментов
5) обрабатывать инструментом
6) налаживать ( станок )
tool for automatic tool changer — инструмент для автоматической смены
to adjust the tool axially — регулировать инструмент в осевом направлении, смещать инструмент в осевом направлении
to refirbish tools — перетачивать инструменты
to tool roughly — начерно обрабатывать, грубо обрабатывать
- 2D modeling tools
- 3D modeling tools
- abrading tool
- abrasive tool
- AC-assisted machine tool
- activated tool
- adapter tool
- adjusting tool
- AI tools
- AI-based modeling tools
- air tool
- alternate tool
- analysis tool
- angle head tool
- angle portable tool
- angled tool
- angle-drilling tool
- annular broaching tool
- antivibration jumper installing tool
- application tools
- arm tool
- assembly tool
- assigned tool
- auxiliary tool
- backspot-facing tool
- backup tool
- back-working tool
- bad tool
- ball nose end cutting tool
- ball-nosed cutting tool
- band tool
- bending tool
- bent tool
- best tools
- blanking tool
- block tool
- boring tool
- box tool
- brazed tool
- brazed-tip tool
- broach tool
- broaching tool
- broad-nose finishing tool
- broad-nosed finishing tool
- broad-nosed tool
- broad-parting tool
- broad-tool
- BTA tool
- bucking tool
- burnishing tool
- burring tool
- cam-controlled machine tool
- carbide tool
- carbide-faced tool
- carbide-inserted tool
- carbide-tipped tool
- carbon-steel tool
- cartridge-type tool
- caulking tool
- CBN cutting tool
- CBN tool
- cemented carbide tool
- cemented-oxide tool
- center tool
- centering tool
- centering-and-facing tool
- ceramic tool
- chamfering tool
- chasing tool
- chemical vapor deposited tools
- chipped tool
- circular form tool
- circular tool
- clamped-tip tool
- clamping tool
- clipping tool
- CNC tools
- CNC ultra-precision machine tool
- CNC-sharpened tool
- coated tool
- coated-carbide cutting tool
- coining press tool
- collet release tool
- collet tool
- combination internal-external tool
- combination machine tool
- combination tool
- combined tool
- computer-controlled machine tool
- contour form milling tool
- contour milling tool
- contour turning tool
- control tools
- coolant-fed tool
- copy lathe tool
- copying tool
- cordless SPC tool
- core tool
- corrugated tool
- counterboring tool
- counter-rotating tool
- cross-drilling/milling tools
- crossworking tool
- crowning shaving tool
- cubic-boron-nitride cutting tool
- cup tool
- curling press tool
- customized machine tool
- cutoff tool
- cutter tool
- cutting laser tool
- cutting tool with inserted blades
- cutting tool
- cutting-off bit tool
- cutting-off tool
- CVD tools
- dead-end tool
- debugging tools
- deburring tool
- dedicated tool
- deep pocket tool
- design tools
- design verification tools
- development tools
- diagnostics tools
- diamond burnishing tool
- diamond tool
- diamond-coated tool
- diamond-edge tool
- diamond-plated tool
- diamond-turning tool
- digitized tool
- disposable cutting tools
- disposable insert tool
- DNC machine tool
- DNC-supported machine tool
- double-acting deburring tool
- double-diameter tool
- double-index roughing tool
- dressing tool
- drill burnishing tool
- drill tool
- drill/tap tool
- drilling tool
- driven tool
- driving tool
- duplicate tools
- edge tool
- EDM tool
- embossing press tool
- end mill tool
- end tool
- end-cutting tool
- end-working tool
- engraving tool
- erecting tool
- expandable abrading tool
- expanding block boring tool
- expanding block-type boring tool
- external tool
- external turning tool
- face grooving tool
- facing tool
- fastening tool
- feed-out tool
- fillet tool
- filleting tool
- fine boring tool
- finish tool
- finish-cut tool
- finishing tool
- first-selection backup tools
- fixed tool
- flat form tool
- flatted parallel shank tool
- flooded coolant tool
- fluted tool
- fly tool
- follow tools
- form tool
- forming machine tool
- forming tool
- fresh cutting tool
- front endworking tool
- gaged master tool
- ganged tools
- gear cutting tool
- gear tool
- general-purpose machine tool
- generating tool
- gooseneck tool
- grabbing tool
- grinding tool
- gripper tool
- gripping tool
- grooving tool
- hand-guided tool
- hand-held grinding tool
- hand-held tool
- hard pointed tool
- heading tool
- heavy-duty machine tool
- high-positive geometry tool
- high-positive-rake tool
- high-speed machine tool
- high-speed steel tool
- high-speed steel-cutting tool
- high-usage tools
- hold-down tool
- honing tool
- hot-set tool
- ID step tool
- ID tool
- idling tool
- image acquisition tools
- impregnated abrasive tool
- impregnated diamond tool
- inactive tool
- indexable cutting tool
- indexable-insert tool
- indexing machine tool
- infeed slide tool
- injection tool
- in-line powered tool
- insert tool
- inserted blade-type tool
- inserted carbide tool
- inserted tip tool
- insertion tool
- inside corner tool
- inside recessing tool
- inside turning tool
- inspection tool
- installation tool
- integrated tools
- integration tools
- interactive design tools
- internal boring tool
- internal diameter tool
- internally operating tool
- inward flanging press tool
- ironing press tool
- irradiated tool
- knowledge engineering tools
- knurling tool
- lab-quality inspection tool
- lancing press tool
- lapping tool
- large hybrid system building tools
- large narrow system building tools
- laser alignment tools
- laser leveling tool
- laser tool
- lathe tool
- layout tool
- left-hand tool
- leveling tool
- LH tool
- life-expired tool
- linear mounted tool
- locating tool
- logic-synthesis tools
- machine tool
- machining tool
- manually adjustable tool
- marking tool
- master tool
- measuring tool
- metal-cutting tool
- metalforming machine tool
- microsizing tool
- migrating tool
- milling tool
- miniCNC machine tool
- misplaced tool
- mis-set tool
- modeling tools
- modular tool
- mold tool
- molding tool
- monocrystalline diamond tool
- multicavity molding tool
- multifaceted tool
- multifluted tool
- multigrooving tool
- multiimpression injection tool
- multiple blanking tool
- multiple insert tool
- multiple-cavity mold tool
- multiple-impression press tool
- multipoint tool
- multipoint-cutting tool
- multitoothed tool
- narrow system building tools
- NC machine tool
- NC tool
- negative-rake cutting tool
- noncutting machine tool
- nonrotating tool
- notching press tool
- odd-fluted cutting tool
- OD-turning tool
- OD-working tool
- offset tool
- oil hole tool
- old tool
- one-sensor-one tool
- operating tool
- order-related tool
- outward flanging press tool
- pallet tools
- parallel-shank tool
- parallel-shanked tool
- particle-type dressing tool
- parting press tool
- parting tool
- part-off tool
- PCD tool
- percussive tool
- perishable tool
- physicochemical machine tool
- pickup tool
- piercing tool
- placement tool
- planer tool
- planing tool
- platen-mounted tool
- pneumatic tool
- polishing machine tool
- polycrystalline CBN cutting tool
- polycrystalline-diamond-edge tool
- polycrystalline-diamond-tipped tool
- polygon tool
- polygonal tool
- portable air tool
- portable expanding tool
- portable pneumatic tool
- portable power tool
- portable sinking tool
- portable tool
- positive/negative tool
- positive/positive tool
- positive-rake cutting tool
- positive-rake tool
- power tools
- powered rotary tool
- powered tool
- power-positioned tool
- preadjusted tool
- preformed boring tool
- preset qualified tool
- preset tool
- presettable tool
- press tool
- prismatic tool
- probe tool
- process tool
- processing tool
- production machine tool
- profiling tool
- programming tools
- protuberance tool
- punching press tool
- qualified tool
- quick-change tools
- rack-type tool
- radial cutting tool
- radioactive tool
- random tool
- rapid change tool
- rapidly wearing tool
- rear endworking tool
- rebuilt machine tool
- recessing tool
- reciprocating gear cutting tool
- reconditioned tool
- refurbished tool
- replaceable-insert tool
- replacement tool
- retrofitted machine tool
- RH tool
- right-angled powered tool
- right-hand tool
- rivet shaving tool
- roller-burnishing tool
- roll-forming tool
- rolling-in tool
- rotary pneumatic tool
- rotary tool
- rotating tool
- rotating turret tool
- rough boring tool
- rough cut tool
- roughing tool
- rough-turning tool
- round tool
- rounded tool
- round-nose tool
- round-nosed tool
- router tool
- routing tool
- scraping tool
- screw-cutting tool
- screw-rolling tool
- second selection backup tools
- segmented bulging press tool
- self-correcting tool
- shank tool
- shankless cutting tool
- shaped tool
- shaper-cutting tool
- shaping tool
- shared tools
- shaving press tool
- shaving tool
- shear tool
- short chipping tool
- side cutting tool
- side tool
- silicon nitride cutting tools
- silicon nitride tool
- simulation tools
- single-crystal tool
- single-layer tool
- single-pass tool
- single-point threading tool
- single-point tool
- single-purpose machine tool
- single-tip tool
- sister tool
- slitting tool
- slotting tool
- smoothing roller tool
- software development tools
- software tools
- software-based integration tools
- solid bit tool
- solid carbide tool
- solid modeling tools
- solid tool
- SPC tool
- specialized machine tool
- specially outfitted machine tool
- spent tool
- spindle probe tool
- spinning tool
- spline drive tool
- split bulging press tool
- spot-facing tool
- spotting tool
- square cutting tool
- square thread tool
- stamping tool
- static tool
- stationary tool
- step tool
- straight portable tool
- straight shank tool
- straight tool
- straight turning tool
- stripping tool
- stub boring tool
- superabrasive-plated tool
- support tools
- surfacing tool
- swan-neck tool
- sweep tool
- sweeping tool
- tail-end tools
- taper shank tool
- tapered shank tool
- tapping tool
- taught tool
- testing tools
- thermal tool
- thread milling tool
- thread turning tool
- thread-cutting tool
- threaded shank tool
- threading tool
- thread-rolling tool
- throwaway carbide tool
- throwaway insert tool
- throwaway tip tool
- throwaway tool
- tipped tool
- titanium-carbide-coated tool
- to tool up
- touch sensitive tool
- transfer tool
- transparent tool
- trepanning tool
- triangular cutting tool
- trim tool
- truing tool
- tube-expanding tool
- Tunruf tool
- turning tool
- turret tool
- ultrasonic tool
- undercutting tool
- underrun tool
- underused tool
- underutilized tool
- undetected broken tool
- unit-type machine tool
- universal boring and thread milling tool
- unmanned machine tool
- untended CNC machine tool
- versatile machine tool
- vibrating tool
- viscous damped tool
- visualization tools
- V-thread tool
- wear-prone tool
- welding laser tool
- wide-finishing tool
- wire-forming tool
- wireless measuring tool
- wobble broach tool
- wood-cutting tool
- workplace tool
- worm-configured tool
- worn cutting tool
- X-axis tool
- Y-axis tool
- Z-axis tool