Англо-русский перевод DISK

1) матем. круг

2) диск; колесо

3) шайба

4) с.-х. дисковое орудие; дисковый нож

5) грампластинка

6) (магнитный) диск

7) дисковое ЗУ, накопитель на (магнитных) дисках, НМД

8) кфт. дисковый обтюратор

disk with 180° cutout — полудиск ( обтюратора ) ; обтюратор с углом раскрытия 180°

- spiral pattern disk

- sunburst pattern disk

- waffle pattern disk

- X-groove pattern disk

- abrasive disk

- Airy disk

- aluminum oxide disk

- alveolar disk

- annular brake disk

- antispark disk

- armature core disks

- audio disk

- bimetallic brake disk

- bladed disk

- brake disk

- bursting disk

- calibration disk

- cartridge disk

- changed disk

- circular disk

- clear-view disk

- clutch disk

- code disk

- color video disk

- color-filter disk

- color disk

- compact-disk

- compressor rotor disk

- contiguous disk

- copyprotected disk

- Corbinodisk

- corotating disks

- counting disk

- coupling disk

- cushion disk

- cuttoff disk

- cycloid disk

- diagnostic disk

- diffraction disk

- digital audio disk

- disk of convergence

- disk of drive line

- distribution disk

- double-density disk

- doublef-aced friction disk

- double-sided disk

- double-side disk

- driven disk

- driving disk

- eccentric disk

- equalizing disks

- fixed-head disk

- flexible disk

- floppy disk

- frictional disk

- friction disk

- graphite-carbon brake disk

- grinding-lapping disk

- hard disk

- hard-sectored disk

- head disk

- hollow disk

- homogeneous brake disk

- indented disk

- knife disk

- lacquer disk

- lens scanning disk

- long-playing disk

- magazine disk

- magnetic disk

- master disk

- microfloppy disk

- minifloppy disk

- multiple-line typemaster disk

- neutral-density disk

- notched disk

- optical disk

- optical video disk

- pattern disk

- presser disk

- propeller disk

- radiation disk

- Rayleigh disk

- recording disk

- rectangular disk

- replaceable disk

- replicated disk

- rigid disk

- rotating brake disk

- rotating disk

- rotor friction disk

- safety disk

- sand disk

- scalloped edge cutting disk

- scanning disk

- sealing disk

- Secchi disk

- seed disk

- segmented friction disk

- semiconductor disk

- separator disk

- shunting signal disk

- silicon disk

- single-density disk

- single-sided disk

- single-side disk

- sliding disk

- slotted disk

- soft-sectored disk

- software disk

- stationary brake disk

- stator friction disk

- stop signal disk

- strain disk

- suprahilar disk

- system disk

- television disk

- thermal isolation disk

- twin disk

- two-channel disk

- typeface matrix disk

- unit disk

- valve disk

- ventilated rotor disk

- video disk

- virtual disk

- wheat disk

- wheel disk

- Winchester disk

- work disk

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.