1) движение; перемещение
2) механизм
3) подача ( рабочего органа )
- 3-position head motion
- absolute motion
- accelerated motion
- air motion
- alternate motion
- angular motion
- apparent motion
- approach motion
- ascending motion
- atmospheric motion
- autonomous spatial motion
- axis motion
- back-and-forth motion
- backward motion
- Brownian motion
- cam motion
- centrifugal motion
- centripetal motion
- centroidal motion
- circular motion
- collision-free motion
- compliant motion
- compound motion
- conflicting motions
- conservative motion
- constrained motion
- continuous motion
- continuous path motion
- controlled yawing motion
- coordinated motion
- coplanar motion
- cross motion
- cross-feed motion
- cross-isobar motion
- crowding motion
- curvilinear motion
- cutting motion
- cyclonic motion
- damped harmonic motion
- decelerated motion
- deproach motion
- descending motion
- differential motion
- discontinuous motion
- downslide motion
- down-up motion
- downward motion
- driving motion
- eccentric motion
- eddying motion
- eddy motion
- end-to-end motion
- engagement motion
- exponential motion
- fault motion
- feed motion
- flapping motion
- flexural motion
- force-controlled motion
- forced motion
- free motion
- fretting motion
- functional motion
- functionally defined motion
- galloping motion
- Geneva motion
- groundwater motion
- gyroscopic motion
- harmonic motion
- heat motion
- helical motion
- hobbing motion
- holding motion
- image motion
- impulsive motion
- increasing motion
- incremental motion
- inertial motion
- in-line motion
- in-plane motion
- interconnected motion
- intermittent film motion
- interrupted motion
- irregular motion
- irrotational motion
- isobaric motion
- jerking motion
- jigging motion
- jog motion
- joint-interpolated motion
- laminar motion
- lateral motion
- lever motion
- lift motion
- linear motion
- longitudinal motion
- lost motion
- micro motion
- nonautonomous spatial motion
- nonstationary motion
- nonsteady motion
- nonuniform motion
- offshore motion of sediments
- omnidirectional motion
- onshore motion of sediments
- orbital motion
- oscillatory motion
- out-of-plane motion
- pan motion
- parallel motion
- pendulum motion
- perceptually controlled motion
- periodic motion
- perpetual motion
- pivoting motion
- plane motion
- planetary motion
- plunge motion
- point-to-point motion
- positive motion
- prescribed motion
- progressive motion
- proper motion
- quasi-geostrophic motion
- quasi-periodic motion
- rack motion
- radial motion
- random motion
- rapid motion
- rapid return motion
- reciprocal motion
- reciprocating motion
- rectilinear motion
- relative motion
- restricted motion
- resulting motion
- retarded motion
- return motion
- reverse motion
- rocking motion
- rolling motion
- rotary motion
- rotational fluid motion
- rotational motion
- screw motion
- selvage motion
- sensor-based motion
- shearing motion
- shedding motion
- shifting motion
- shock motion
- shogging motion
- shuttle gate intermittent motion
- sideward motion
- sideways sliding motion
- simple harmonic motion
- sinusoidal motion
- slide-roll motion
- sliding motion
- slipping motion
- smooth motion
- snake motion
- spatial motion
- spiral motion
- spool modulating motion
- stable motion
- steady motion
- step-by-step film motion
- stick-slip motion
- stop motion
- stop on force motion
- straight line motion
- streamline motion
- successive tool motion
- sway motion
- swinging motion
- swirling motion
- tapped motion
- temperature motion
- thermal motion
- tilting motion
- to-and-fro motion
- tool motion
- transient motion
- translational motion
- transverse motion
- traverse motion
- tropical cyclone turning motion
- turbulent motion
- undulatory motion
- unequal motion
- uniform motion
- uniformly accelerated motion
- uniformly retarded motion
- unit-directional motion
- unstable motion
- unsteady motion
- up-and-down motion
- upslide motion
- upward motion
- variable motion
- vibratory motion
- vibroimpulsive motion
- vortex motion
- vortex-free motion
- warp let-off motion
- wasted motion
- wave motion
- wind-induced motion
- wobbling motion
- zero-point motion