Англо-русский перевод POINT

1) точка

2) остриё, острый конец || заострять

3) режущая кромка; вершина ( сверла, резца )

4) положение; позиция; координата ( рабочего органа )

5) указывать; ориентировать, наводить

6) место; пункт

7) деление ( шкалы )

8) момент ( времени )

9) (компасный) румб

10) контакт ( прерывателя-распределителя зажигания )

11) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка; остряк, перо ( стрелочного перевода )

12) запятая, точка ( в дробях )

13) расшивать швы ( кладки )

14) пункт ( единица измерения в типографской системе мер )

15) гравировальная игла

16) пишущий узел, пишущий элемент ( ручки, карандаша )

17) пищ. оценочный балл

point at infinity — бесконечно удалённая точка;

to point off — отводить ( в сторону ) ;

to pass through a point — проходить через точку

- Abel flash point

- acid dew point

- actual point

- acute round needle point

- addressable point

- adherent point

- aerodrome check point

- aerodrome reference point

- agate arrestment point

- aggregative transition point

- agreed reporting point

- aiming point

- air supply breathing point

- aircraft fire point

- alternator pivot point

- anchor point

- anchorage point

- aniline point

- annealing point

- antinodal point

- aplantic points

- arch work point

- arithmetic point

- array feed point

- assumed point

- attachment point

- automatic point

- azeotropic point

- backoff point

- backward stagnation point

- balance point

- base point

- bend point

- bending yield point

- binary point

- bleeding point

- bleed point

- blow point

- blunt round needle point

- boiling point

- boundary point

- branch point

- breaker point

- break-in point

- breaking point

- brittle point

- bubble point

- bucking point

- bullet point

- burble point

- burn point

- burning point

- burnout point

- burster point

- cardinal points

- casing point

- central point

- changeover point

- characteristic point

- check point

- chemical-pinch point

- chilling point

- chisel point

- clearing point

- close spread collar point

- closed flash point

- cloud point

- cold point

- collinear points

- collocation point

- common depth point

- compass points

- concyclic points

- condensation point

- congelation point

- consolute point

- consumption point of current

- contact point

- contactor points

- control point

- control transfer point

- corona point

- correct point

- coupler pivot point

- coupling point

- critical point

- crossing point

- crossover point

- cryogen boiling point

- Curie point

- cuspidal point

- cut point

- cutoff point

- cutting point

- datum point

- dead point

- decimal point

- defined point

- delivery point

- demixing point

- dendritic point

- depth reference point

- destination point

- destruction point

- detonation point

- dew point

- dial indicator contact point

- diamond grinding point

- diamond point

- directional kickoff point

- discharge point

- dispatching point

- dispersion point

- distinct curve collar point

- distinct points

- distinguished point

- distribution point

- double point

- drain point

- draw point

- drawoff point

- driving point

- dropping point

- dry point

- dryout point

- early warning point

- edit point

- edit-in point

- edit-out point

- elevation point

- elliptic point

- emission point

- end point

- energy breakeven point

- entry point

- entry-exit points

- equal time point

- equilibrium point

- eutectic point

- exclamation point

- exhaustion end point

- exit point

- exterior point

- extraction point

- face point

- fashioning point

- fatigue point

- feeding point

- fiber saturation point

- fiducial point

- filling point

- filling-in point

- film entry point

- film leaving point

- final approach point

- final boiling point

- fine point

- fire point

- firing point

- fixed point

- flame break point

- flare point

- flash point

- flexion point

- flight reference point

- flight way point

- floating point

- floc point

- flooding point

- flow point

- flywheel dead point

- focal point

- forced open point

- forward stagnation point

- fouling point

- freeze point

- freezing point

- French point

- frontier point

- frost point

- fuel injection point

- fuel servicing point

- full point

- fusing point

- gage point

- gaging point

- gas hydrate formation point

- gas point

- geodetic point

- glazier's point

- gloss point

- grasp point

- grid point

- grouped service points

- half point

- hammer point

- hard points

- heat point

- heavy ball needle point

- heavy rounded set needle point

- heavy set needle point

- holding point

- hopper work point

- horizontal control point

- ice point

- ignition point

- image point

- impact point

- incongruent melting point

- index point

- infeed changeover point

- initial point

- injection point

- insertion point

- integral point

- intended landing point

- intercardinal point

- interception point

- intercept point

- interior point

- interlocked point

- isoelectric point

- jacking point

- junction point

- knee point

- laminar separation point

- landfall point of the storm

- last departure point

- lattice point

- leaving point

- leveling point

- level point

- lifter point

- lifting point

- lift-off point

- light ball needle point

- light rounded set needle point

- light set needle point

- limiting point

- limit point

- linking point

- load point

- loading point

- load-unload point

- long collar point

- lower yield point

- lubrication point

- machine home point

- macroyield point

- maker point

- matching point

- matrix point

- maximum power point

- measurement point

- measure point

- medium ball needle point

- melting point

- mesh point

- mid-boiling point

- mixed melting point

- movable point

- multiple point

- needle point

- neutral point

- nodal point

- node point

- noise measurement point

- normal round needle point

- observation point

- open point

- operation point

- optimum point

- panel point

- paper point

- paraffin crystallization point

- peak point

- pelerine point

- pen point

- pickup point

- piercing point

- pile stoppage point

- pinch point

- pinning point

- pitch point

- pivotal point

- pivot point

- plait point

- plow point

- point of absolute zero

- point of arrival

- point of contraflexure

- point of curve

- point of departure

- point of discontinuity

- point of distance

- point of engagement

- point of fault

- point of force application

- point of graph

- point of hook

- point of increase

- point of inflection

- point of intersection

- point of load application

- point of looper

- point of maximum

- point of minimum

- point of no return

- point of occlusion

- point of sight

- point of support

- point of tangency

- point of tree

- porous point

- pour point

- power point

- precision point

- preroll point

- primary calibration point

- principal point

- probe point

- projected peak point

- pullout point

- quadrantal point

- quarter-span point

- quarter point

- quiescent operating point

- radix point

- reaction point

- receiving point

- reentry point

- reference point

- reflection depth point

- refraction depth point

- regional heat point

- reporting point

- rerun point

- ripper point

- rounded set needle point

- saddle point

- salient point

- saturation point

- sectioning point

- set needle point

- set point

- setting point

- shot point

- sighting point

- singing point

- single defect point

- single point

- singular point

- sintering point

- slinging point

- smoke point

- softening point

- solder termination point

- solidification point

- source point

- special ball needle point

- spring point

- square collar point

- stable point

- stadia point

- stagnation point

- star point

- stationary breaker point

- stitch transfer point

- stuck point

- subsatellite point

- support point

- surveying point

- survey point

- switch point

- switching point

- takeoff point

- tangent point

- tapping point

- terminal point

- termination point

- test point

- thaw point

- thermal critical point

- thermodynamic point

- third point

- threshold point

- tie point

- toll point

- tool point

- touch point

- touchdown point

- towing point

- tow point

- trailing point

- transfer initiation point

- transfer point

- transformation point

- transit point

- transition point

- trap point

- triangulation point

- triple point

- tripping point

- true molal boiling point

- turning point

- umbilical point

- unload point

- unloading point

- upper yield point

- valley point

- vanishing point

- vertical control point

- visible point

- vitrifying point

- volumetric boiling point

- water supply point

- wax dropout point

- weight boiling point

- weight-drop point

- well point

- wiring point

- word break point

- working point

- yield point

- Y-point

- zero point

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.