Англо-русский перевод POINT

1) точка, точка координат 2) место, пункт 3) положение, позиция 4) степень 5) деление шкалы 6) резец 7) остриё, острый конец 8) вершина горы 9) расшивать швы каменной, кирпичной кладки 10) точить; заострять (напр. конец сваи) • to point off — отводить (в сторону) to take a point — геод. взять отметку - actual frog point - aerodrome reference point - angular point - attachment point - balance point - bending point - bending yield point - blunt nail point - boom point - breaking point - brittle point - burning point - ceiling point - change point - changeover point - characteristic point - chisel point - condensation point - congealing point - control point - crawbar point - creep point - critical point - crossover point - cutting point - datum point - dead point - decimal point - destruction point - dew point - discharge point - distribution point - draw-off point - drip point - electric point - elevation point - evaporating point - fatigue point - fibre saturation point - fire point - fixed point - fixing point - flow point - focal point - gimlet point - groin point - hinge point - hinged point - intersection point - isolated point - isotropic point - junction point - load point - modular point - nail point - nodal point - node point - open point - panel point - picture point - plumb point - point of application - point of concentration - point of contraflexure - point of curve - point of cusp - point of discontinuity - point of distance - point of evaporation - point of failure - point of fault - point of fluidity - point of force application - point of force - point of high stress concentration - point of increase - point of inflection - point of load application - point of pile - point of reference - point of sight - point of support - point of switch - point of zero moment - point of zero work - quarter point - quarter-span point - railroad point - reference point - rigid point of support - sampling point - saturation point - saw point - slinging point - stagnation point - starting point - tangent point - tie point - transit point - triangulation point - upper yield point - vanishing point - yield point - zero point

Быков В.В., Поздняков А.А.. English-Russian dictionary of construction and new building technologies.      Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям.