1) точка, пункт 2) точка (знак) 3) запятая (в дробях) 4) показывать, указывать • - addressable point - adjustable point - anchor point - arithmetic point - assumed point - base point - binary point - branching point - branch point - break point - check point - choice point - commit point - connection points - control point - create point - critical point - cuspidal point - data point - dead point - decimal point - decision point - driving point - dump point - end point - entry point - exit point - extraordinary point - extreme point - fan-out point - feasible point - fixed point - floating point - focal point - freeze point in specification - hot point - index point - insertion point - interruptable point - invocation point - kill point - lattice point - load point - matrix point - merge point - mesh point - monument point - movable point - node point - operating point - parameter point - point of detection - point of discontinuity - point of intersection - point of no return - point of origin - point of sample space - point of self-intersection - primary entry point - radix point - recovery point - reentry point - reference point - rerun point - rescue point - restart point - return point - rollback point - saddle point - sample point - secondary entry point - sense point - set point - singular point - snap point - source point - stable point - strategic check point - substitution point - summing point - switching point - test point - transition point - unstable point - use point - valley point - vanishing point - variable point - via point - well-distributed points
Англо-русский перевод POINT
Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science. Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. 2005