Англо-русский перевод VALUE

1) (числовое) значение ( физической величины ) , величина; показатель, число

2) оценка || оценивать

3) значимость; ценность

4) стоимость

5) мн. ч. горн. содержание компонента в руде

value in terms of the unite of length and time — значение, выраженное в единицах длины и времени;

to assign a value — приписывать значение;

to assume a value — принимать значение;

to attribute a value — приписывать значение;

to improve a value — уточнять значение; повышать точность значения;

to insert numerical values in an equation — подставлять числовые значения в уравнение;

to predetermine [prescribe, preset] a value — задавать значение;

to read value off the scale — считывать показания по шкале;

to revise [verify] a value — уточнять значение

- AA value

- Abbe value

- absolute biological value

- absolute value

- acceptance value

- accepted value

- access value

- acetyl value

- acid value

- actual octane value

- actual value

- adjusted value

- adopted value

- antiknock value

- apparent biological value

- approved value

- approximate value

- arbitrary value

- ash value

- assay value

- assessed value

- assigned value

- asymptotic value

- attrition value

- available heating value

- average value

- baking value

- base value

- bearing value

- blending octane value

- blending value

- bogey value

- boundary value

- bromine value

- buffer value

- calculated value

- calibrated value

- calibration value

- caloric value

- calorific value

- carbonyl value

- Cauchy principal value

- cementing value

- center-line-average value

- certified value

- cetane value

- characteristic value

- cla value

- clear blending value

- closeness value

- coagulation value

- coke value

- color value

- combustion value

- commercial value

- common value

- complement value

- component values

- computed value

- conservative value

- constant value

- conventional value

- corrected value

- corrosion value

- crest value

- critical value

- current value

- cutting value

- datum value

- decision value

- default value

- delivery value

- design value

- dietary value

- digestive value

- distillation value

- dot value

- drop-out value

- effective value

- eigen value

- energy value

- equilibrium value

- Erichsen value

- ester value

- expectation value

- experimental value

- exposure value

- extrapolated value

- extreme value

- fiducial value

- finite value

- flash value

- food value

- full-scale value

- F-value

- GC value

- gloss value

- gross calorific value

- guess value

- heating value

- heat value

- heating value as fired

- high heat value

- higher calorific value

- holding value

- imaginary value

- improved value

- indicated value

- information value

- inhibiting value

- initial value

- instantaneous value

- integral value

- intermediate value

- internationally recommended value

- inverse value

- iodine value

- item value

- knock value

- Koettstorfer value

- least-squares adjusted value

- least-squares value

- legitimate value

- limiting value

- limit value

- limiting dynamic value

- local mean value

- low heat value

- lower calorific value

- lower-range value

- maximax value

- maximum scale value

- mean value

- mean-square value

- measured value

- metallurgical value

- milling value

- minimum scale value

- momentary value

- NC value

- net calorific value

- net energy value

- nominal value

- normalized value

- numerical value

- nutritive value

- observed value

- octane value

- open-circuit values

- operating value

- original value

- oxygen value

- part-program value

- peak value

- peak-to-peak value

- peak-to-valley value

- performance value

- physical value

- pickup value

- place value

- potential gum value

- predetermined value

- predicted value

- preferred value

- prestored value

- principal value

- proper value

- quantization value

- rank value

- rated value

- rated withstand value

- rating value

- real value

- rectified value

- reduced value

- reduction value

- reference value

- refined value

- refining value

- regulatory value

- resetting value

- reset value

- resultant value

- returning value

- revised value

- rms value

- rough value

- roughness value

- rounded-off value

- saponification value

- saturation value

- scale-division value

- second-hand value

- setting value

- set value

- short-circuit values

- short-time average value

- soak value

- spatial value

- specific value

- specified value

- standard value

- starting value

- steady-state value

- successive values

- superheat value

- survival value

- tabulated value

- target value

- temporal value

- test value

- threshold value

- toluene value

- tone value

- tool offset value

- torsion value

- total heating value

- tristimulus values

- true biological value

- true food value

- true value

- typical value

- unit value

- unrounded value

- upper-range value

- U-value

- value of argument

- value of error

- value of function

- value of variable

- variable value

- virtual decision value

- virtual value

- V-notch Charpy value

- weighted average value

- weighted value

- working value

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.