Meaning of VALUE in English


1. what the value of something is

2. worth a lot of money

3. valuable objects or possessions

4. to decide what the value of something is

5. to become more valuable

6. to become less valuable

7. without any value


see also





1. what the value of something is

▷ value /ˈvæljuː/ [countable/uncountable noun]

the amount of money that something expensive, rare, or old would cost if it was sold - use this to talk about things like houses, cars, jewellery, paintings, or furniture :

value of

▪ The value of the sculpture was estimated at $500,000.

increase/fall in value

▪ Some fine wines increase in value as they get older.

▷ be worth /biː ˈwɜːʳθ/ [verb phrase]

if something is worth £1, £10, $100 etc, that is how much money it would cost if it was sold :

▪ How much is your ring worth?

be worth $500/£10 etc

▪ I guess their house must be worth about £500,000.

▪ That old piano can’t be worth more than $200.

▷ be valued at /biː ˈvæljuːd æt/ [verb phrase]

to have a particular value, especially a very high value which has been calculated :

▪ As a wedding present he gave her some pearls valued at $350,000.

▪ They have a classic car which has been valued at a higher price than they paid for it.

▪ At current market prices their holding in the company is valued at over $25 million.

2. worth a lot of money

▷ valuable /ˈvæljuəb ə l, -jɑb ə lǁˈvæljɑb ə l/ [adjective]

worth a lot of money and expensive to buy or replace :

▪ Don’t lose this ring -- it’s very valuable.

▪ Besides her studio apartment, she also owns a valuable estate in Italy.

▪ Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.

▷ of great value /əv ˌgreɪt ˈvæljuː/ [adjective phrase]

something that is of great value is worth a lot of money, especially a personal possession such as a work of art or a piece of jewellery :

▪ He has a few medals of great value.

▪ The burglars stole the television and video, but nothing of great value.

▷ be worth a lot /biː ˌwɜːʳθ ə ˈlɒtǁ-ˈlɑːt/ [verb phrase] informal

if something is worth a lot, you can get a lot of money if you sell it :

▪ You should look after those old dolls - one day they could be worth a lot.

▷ be worth a fortune /biː ˌwɜːʳθ ə ˈfɔːʳtʃ ə n/ [verb phrase]

if something is worth a fortune it is worth a very large amount of money :

▪ He was very poor when he died, but now his paintings are worth a fortune.

▷ precious /ˈpreʃəs/ [adjective only before noun]

precious metal/stone

a valuable metal such as gold or a jewel such as a diamond :

▪ The robe was encrusted with precious metals and stones.

▷ priceless /ˈpraɪsləs/ [adjective]

worth so much money that it is impossible to calculate the price - use this about objects that are old and rare such as paintings, furniture, or jewellery :

▪ The house was full of priceless antiques.

▪ a priceless oil painting

3. valuable objects or possessions

▷ valuables /ˈvæljuəb ə lz, -jɑb ə lzǁ-jɑb ə lz/ [plural noun]

valuable personal possessions such as jewellery, cameras, and important documents :

▪ The hotel management advises guests to deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.

▪ Thieves will take any bags, wallets, and other valuables they can find.

▷ treasures /ˈtreʒəʳz/ [countable noun]

very valuable works of art, especially ones that are very old :

▪ The exhibition shows treasures from ancient China.

art treasures

▪ Some of Spain’s most valuable art treasures are housed in El Prado.

4. to decide what the value of something is

▷ value British /appraise American /ˈvæljuː, əˈpreɪz/ [transitive verb]

to decide what the value of something is, especially when it is your job to do this :

▪ He works for an antique firm, valuing furniture.

▪ The apartment was appraised, and Stephen gave Julie a check for half the amount.

value/appraise something at $100/$500 etc

▪ The builder valued the work already done at $400.

have something valued/appraised

get a professional person to value it for you

▪ Those silver bowls could be worth a lot of money -- you ought to have them appraised.

valuation /ˌvæljuˈeɪʃ ə n/ British /appraisal American [uncountable noun]

▪ I took the ring to a shop for valuation.

valuer British /appraiser American [countable noun]

▪ The valuer person whose job is to value things said the plate was worth £500.

5. to become more valuable

▷ increase/rise/go up in value /ɪnˌkriːs, ˌraɪz, gəʊ ˌʌp ɪn ˈvæljuː/ [verb phrase]

▪ They bought a Ferrari knowing that it would increase in value.

▪ Through clever marketing, the shares have gone up in value quite quickly.

▪ The pound has risen in value against the yen over the weekend.

▷ appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ [intransitive verb]

to become gradually more valuable over a period of time :

▪ This property has appreciated rapidly during the last ten years.

▪ Most investments are still expected to appreciate at a steady rate.

▷ double/triple in value /ˌdʌb ə l, ˌtrɪp ə l ɪn ˈvæljuː/ [verb phrase]

to become two or three times more valuable :

▪ Fortunately, when I sold my apartment it had almost doubled in value since I bought it.

▪ Production of iron and steel more than tripled in value during the 1950s.

6. to become less valuable

▷ fall/decrease/go down in value /ˌfɔːl, dɪˌkriːs, gəʊ ˌdaʊn ɪn ˈvæljuː/ [verb phrase]

▪ Gold and silver have gone down in value.

▪ Most European currencies fell in value yesterday.

▷ depreciate /dɪˈpriːʃieɪt/ [intransitive verb]

to become gradually less valuable over a period of time :

▪ A new car depreciates more quickly than a second-hand one.

▪ US investors anticipate that the Deutschmark will, in the long term, depreciate relative to the dollar.

depreciation /dɪˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃ ə n/ [uncountable noun]

▪ The price of the equipment must reflect depreciation.

7. without any value

▷ worthless /ˈwɜːʳθləs/ [adjective]

▪ When he died, all my uncle left me was a worthless plot of land.

▪ The jewellery turned out to be completely worthless.

▪ I’m afraid this banknote is a forgery; it’s just a worthless piece of paper.

▷ not be worth anything /nɒt biː ˈwɜːʳθ ˌeniθɪŋ/ [verb phrase]

to have no value :

▪ I don’t think my stereo is worth anything now, but it was quite expensive when I bought it.

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