1) ценность (в экономическом и этическом смысле) [c crimson]|| ценить
2) стоимость ( особ. в классической домарксистской и марксистской политэкономии)
3) стоимость (в хозяйственной практике)
4) валюта; сумма векселя или тратты [c crimson]|| выставлять вексель
5) оценка [c crimson]|| оценивать
6) величина, значение
7) цена
8) часто pl фрахтовые ставки
- value added
- value added by manufacture, mining, building construction, transportation, trade :
- value added in the development of mineral properties
- value added per manhour
- value advanced
- at value
- value at installation
- value c.i.f.
- value embodied
- value f.o.b.
- value in exchange
- value in use
- no par value
- of value
- of no value
- value on hand
- value originally advanced
- value received
- create value
- determine value
- have test tube value
- value on a person
- preserve value
- take on a value
- transmit value
- values went up
- value of benefits
- value of commodity
- value of contract awards
- value of currency
- value of determinant
- value of duel
- value of function
- value of game
- value of gold
- value of individual products shipped
- value of labor power
- value of machinery
- value of on-the-site work
- value of production
- value of service
- value of shipments
- value of shipments and receipts
- value of statistical item
- value of utility
- value of variable
- value of work-in-progress
- absolute surplus value
- additional surplus value
- anticipated values
- appraised value
- approximate value
- approximately commercial value
- assessed value
- asset value
- asymptotic value
- asymptotically optimum value
- at-market value
- at-site value
- average value
- balance sheet value
- balking value
- base values
- book value
- book value per share of common stock
- breakeven order value
- breeding value
- bullion value of coin
- calculated value
- capacity value
- capital value
- capitalized value
- carrying value
- cash value
- cash surrender value
- coining value of an ounce of gold or silver
- collateral value
- commercial value
- conditionally optimal value
- constant-dollar values
- contract value
- conversion value
- cost value
- crop value per tillable acre
- current value
- denominational value
- depreciable value
- design value
- desired value
- discounted value
- disposal value
- doubly smoothed value
- earning-capacity value
- economic value
- elemental time value
- estimated value
- excess surplus value
- exchange value
- expectation value
- expected value
- export value of imported merchandise
- extra surplus value
- extreme value
- face value
- fair-market value
- feeding value
- fertility value
- finite value
- fitted value
- food value
- foreign value of imported merchandise
- fuel replacement value
- full value
- given value
- going concern value
- gross value added
- gross book value
- gross book value of depletable assets
- gross book value of depreciable assets
- guess value
- highly significant value
- high unit value
- historical value
- home value
- hypothecary value
- imputed value
- imputed rental value
- individual value
- initial value
- inmost value
- insured value
- integral value
- intellectual values
- international value
- interpolated value
- intrinsic value
- inventory value
- investment value
- invoice sales value
- land value
- least-squares adjusted value
- liquidation value
- loan value
- lower value
- marginal value
- market value
- material values
- mean value
- measured value
- median value
- modal value
- monetary value of gold or silver
- money value
- net value added
- net value of assets
- net value per share
- new value produced
- nominal value
- nonuse value
- nutritive value
- observed value
- original cost value
- par value
- peak value
- permissible value
- physical value
- positive salvage value
- predicted value
- prescribed value
- present value
- present value of life policy
- price adjusted value
- produced-and-realized surplus value
- protein value
- ratable value
- rated value of output
- real value
- realization value
- reciprocal value
- recovery value
- redemption value
- relative surplus value
- replacement value
- residual value
- saddle value
- sales value
- salvage value
- sample value
- scalar value
- scarcity value
- scrap value
- self-expanding value
- selling value
- service value
- shipped value
- significance value
- significant value
- smoothed value
- sound value
- standard value of production
- standard factory values
- standardized value
- stated value
- steady-state value
- stock value
- stock market values
- subjective value
- surplus value
- surrender value
- table value
- tabular value
- tangible value
- target value
- theoretical mean value
- threshold value
- time value
- time value of money
- time-mean value
- trading value
- traffic value
- transfer value
- transferred value
- trend value
- true value
- unadjusted value added
- undepreciated value
- unit value
- upper value
- use value
- valley value
- weighted value
- wellhead value
- wild value
- written-off value
- zero value
- zero salvage value