Англо-русский перевод CONDITION

1) условие 2) юр. существенное условие (нарушение которого даёт право на расторжение контракта) 3) состояние, положение; статус; характер 4) обстоятельство 5) кондиция 6) ставить условие; обуславливать • under production conditions — в производственных условиях to fulfil conditions — удовлетворять условиям to make condition — ставить условие to meet condition — удовлетворять условию - abnormal conditions - adverse conditions - aggressive conditions - ambient conditions - as-is condition - as-welded condition - average service conditions - bill of lading condition - blue-ribbon condition - boundary conditions - climatic conditions - climatological conditions - comfort conditions - compulsory condition - condition of continuity - condition of equilibrium - condition of exposure - condition of incompressibility - condition of instability - condition of static equilibrium - conditions of loading - crack arrest conditions - cracked conditions - critical conditions - design conditions - desired conditions - domestic law conditions - economic conditions - edge conditions - emergency conditions - end conditions - environmental conditions - erection conditions - extreme conditions - favourable conditions of the contract - feasibility conditions - field conditions - fixed-end condition - fracture conditions - general conditions of delivery - geotechnical conditions - hydrogeological conditions - hydrological conditions - implied condition - indoor conditions - limiting conditions - living conditions - loading condition - meteorologic conditions - meteorological conditions - move-in condition - natural conditions - normal conditions - off condition - off-design conditions - on condition - operating conditions - plane stress condition - plasticity condition - precedent condition - resolutive condition - resolutory condition - restraint conditions - rigidity condition - service conditions - space air conditions - special conditions of the contract - static conditions - strength state condition - stress condition - strict technical conditions - support condition - tear-down condition - technical conditions - test conditions - traffic conditions - turbulent condition - typical condition - unacceptable conditions - uncracked condition - unsymmetrical loading conditions - weathering conditions - working conditions

Быков В.В., Поздняков А.А.. English-Russian dictionary of construction and new building technologies.      Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям.