Англо-русский перевод SCRAPER

1) скребок 2) скрепер; скреперная машина 3) шабер 4) шабровочный станок 5) цикля 6) циклевальный станок 7) скребковый конвейер 8) очистное устройство; грязесъёмник; илоскрёб • - air scraper - blade scraper - boom scraper - bottom scraper - bottom sludge scraper - bristle scraper - buck scraper - cable drag scraper - carry scraper - caterpillar scraper - counterweight scraper - crawler scraper - dragging scraper - dragline scraper - elevating scraper - filter scraper - fluted scraper - half-round scraper - hand scraper - heavy-duty scraper - hoe scraper - mud scraper - one-axle scraper - painting scraper - panel cleaning scraper - pipeline scraper - power scraper - pull-type scraper - rake scraper - road scraper - roofing scraper - rotary thrust scraper - rotational scraper - scum scraper - self-loading wheeled scraper - self-propelled scraper - steel scraper - tandem scrapers - towed scraper - tractor scraper - tube scraper - two-axle scraper - unloading scraper - wheeled scraper

Быков В.В., Поздняков А.А.. English-Russian dictionary of construction and new building technologies.      Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям.