Англо-русский перевод METHOD

1) метод; способ (см. тж. technique 1) 2) ООП метод (функция - элемент определения класса (class) в языке Smalltalk, в C++ - см. member function) • - access method - alphageometric method - Amble's method - ancestor method - assembly method - basic access method - bibliography method - bit-level method - branch and bounds method - buffering method - building-block method - chaining method - checksum method - coded pattern method - conditional delay method - constraint satisfaction method - critical path method - cut-and-try method - cutset method - dark-spot method - data access method - deductive method - diagonal method - diagram method - dichotomy method - digital sorting method - direct access method - exhaustive method - false-position method - finished method - finitary method - finite difference method - flip-chip method - flooding method - flowgraph method - frequency analysis method - gradient method - graphic access method - heuristic method - hierarchical access method - hit-and-miss method - Horner's method - hunt-and-stick method - index register method - indexed-sequential access method - inline-code method - inverse power method - inverse transformation method - issue method - iteration method - least-squares method - left-edge method - linkage method - longest route method - machine method - maximum-likelihood method - method of quickest descent - method of selected point - method of successive approximations - Monte-Carlo method - net method - Newton's method - nonrestoring method - N-pass method - numerical method - operational method - opposition method - overlay method - part-continuous method - partitioned access method - pencil-and-paper method - perturbation method - piezoelectric sensing method - ping-pong method - power method - predictor-corrector method - programming method - progressive-part method - proprietary method - pure virtual method - queued access method - queued indexed sequential access method - radial exploration method - random-walk method - recursive descendant method - resetting method - resident access method - review article method - row-by-row method - rubber band method - Runge-Kutta method - saddle point method - sampling method - scale factor method - scan-set method - scheduling method - scissors and paste method - secant method - sectioning method - semigroup method - sequential access method - shortcut method - shortcut multiplication method - sieve method - simplex method - single-path instruction method - sit-by-me instuction method - state-space method - steepest descent method - step-by-step method - stroke method - subject profile method - symbolic method - symbolical method - syntactic method - synthetic method - target method - telecommunication access method - temporal difference method - time-domain method - touch method with ten fingers - trial-and-error method - truth table method - variable separation method - variational method - variation method - V-brush method - vernier pulse-timing method - virtual method - wire-wrap method - zero-deflection method

Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science.      Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию.