метод, способ; методика
- cascade immunization method
- loop closing method
- spinner-culture method
- adsorption-elution method
- agar block method
- agar diffusion method
- ageing method
- aging method
- analytical disk method
- antibody-mediated method
- anticomplement method
- averaging method
- bacto-stripe method
- bleaching method
- blocking method
- bridge-insulator method
- bubble-counting method
- bubbling method
- capture-mark-recapture method
- cell entrapment method
- centrifugal latex agglutination method
- chloramine-T method
- class-capture method
- coated-tube method
- colorimetric method
- competitive protein binding method
- countercurrent distribution method
- dark field method
- denuded quadrate method
- descriptive method
- dialysis equilibrium method
- diffusion-in-gel method
- dilution method
- disk assay method
- distance method
- double-antibody method
- drop plate method
- dry method of insemination
- dye dilution method
- dye-binding method
- electric field jump method
- enrichment method
- flow immunofluorescence method
- fluidized cell suspension method
- freeze-etch method
- freeze-thaw method
- freezing-drying method
- gelatin sedimentation method
- gel-diffusion method
- Gram's method
- graphical method
- hapten help method
- Hurvell's hot phenol-water method
- immersion method
- immune complex depletion method
- immune transfer method
- immunoenzyme method
- immunofluorescence method
- immunoprecipitation method
- immunotoxin method
- immunoturbidimetric method
- Indian-ink method
- isomorphous replacement method
- isotope dilution method
- King method
- Kjeldahl method
- latex agglutination method
- layer method
- least squares method
- light-and-dark-bottle method
- limited reagent methods
- limiting dilution method
- line-intercept method
- line-interception method
- Lowry method
- manipulation-exploration method
- method of application
- method of clarification
- method of controlling
- method of fitting constants
- method of least squares
- method of maximum likelihood
- method of ml
- method of nearest neighbor base frequencies
- method of plaque-forming cells
- method of positive staining
- method of sedimentation of gradient interphase
- method of serial dilution
- micro-Kjeldahl method
- microplating method
- Monte Carlo method
- moving average method
- mutual information method
- nearest-neighbor method
- one-sample method
- paired comparison method
- paper-disk method
- paper-disk plate method
- pH-static method
- plaque counting method
- plaque inhibition method
- plasmometric method
- plate count method
- plate culture method
- plate method
- point contact method
- point frame method
- polarization optical method
- pouch method
- pressure jump method
- primer-extension method
- priming method
- profile method
- quadrate method
- radiocarbon method
- random point frames method
- random primer method
- reconstruction method
- Reed-Muench method
- removal method
- roll immunoblot method
- roll-bottle method
- roll-tube method
- rosette method
- Russian method of insemination
- sandwich method
- selective oxidation method
- semicontinuous method
- serial dilution method
- shallow pan method
- silver method
- single factor method
- size-filtration method
- solid-phase method
- solvent-jump method
- solvent-jump relaxation method
- spatial exclusion method
- spectrophotometric method
- spiral gradient endpoint method
- square-foot method
- steel point method
- stopped flow method
- stripping film method
- sucrose gap method
- surface culture method
- sweep-net method
- temperature-float method
- temperature-jump method
- trial-and-error method
- up-and-down method
- variable radius plotless method
- variate-difference method
- velveteen replication method
- voltage-clamp method
- weighted pair-group method
- wheel point method
- within-group dispersion method