1) переключатель; коммутатор; ключ; выключатель || переключать; коммутировать; переводить в другое состояние 2) магн. перемагничивать • - switch in - switch off - switch on - address selection switch - alteration switch - AND switch - anticoincidence switch - automatic-manual switch - backbone switch - barrel switch - bidirectional switch - bilateral switch - binary switch - bit switch - breakpoint switch - byte switch - configuration switch - context switch - crossbar switch - crosspoint switch - current-selected switch - debounced switch - decade switch - decoder switch - diamond switch - diode switch - DIP switch - distributed switch - double-coincidence switch - double-pole switch - dual-in-line switch - electroluminescent-photoconductive switch - electron-beam switch - electronic switch - EL-PC switch - emergency off switch - emergency switch - emergency-pull switch - ferroelectric switch - function switch - gang switch - Hall-effect switch - hook switch - input switch - insertion switch - intelligent switch - interprocessor switch - intervention switch - jack switch - key lock switch - LED-illuminated switch - lighted switch - linear selection switch - load-sharing switch - logical switch - lumped switch - magnetic switch - magnetooptical switch - manual switch - matrix switch - microwave switch - mode switch - multicontact switch - multiple-input switch - multiple-position switch - multiplexer switch - multiplex switch - multiposition switch - multiway switch - N-gang switch - N-pole switch - N-position switch - N-way switch - on-board switch - one-shot switch - on-off switch - operation-control switch - optical bypass switch - optical switch - optoelectronic switch - OR switch - origination switch - output switch - packet switch - parallel inverter switch - programmed switch - program switch - programmable switch - pulse switch - push-button switch - rearrangeable switch - rectangular switch - reed switch - relay switch - result switch - rocker switch - rotary switch - selector switch - sense switch - sequence switch - single-throw switch - slide switch - snap action switch - software-controled switch - space-division switch - store-and-forward switch - tamper switch - tandem switch - tape select switch - tape-feed switch - thin-film switch - three-input switch - thumbwheel switch - time switch - toggle switch - transistor switch - tree switch - triple-coincedence switch - tumbler switch - two-channel switch - two-input switch - two-level switch - unidirectional switch - voltage-selected switch - whiffletree switch
Англо-русский перевод SWITCH
Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science. Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. 2005