1) выключатель; прерыватель, разъединитель || выключать
2) переключатель || переключать
3) коммутационный аппарат, коммутатор; ключ; селектор || коммутировать, переводить в другое состояние
4) модулятор
5) смена ( напр. инструментов ) , замена || сменять, заменять
6) ж.-д. стрелка
7) магн. перемагничивать
to switch back and forth — переключать ( с одного режима на другой )
to switch back and forth between — переключать ( с одного режима на другой )
to switch in — включать; подключать
to switch off — выключать; отключать
to switch on — включать
to switch out — выключать; отключать
to trip a limit switch — нажимать на конечный выключатель, приводить в действие конечный выключатель
- A-B-C switch
- acknowledge switch
- acoustooptical Q-switch
- air pressure switch
- analog switch
- auto switch
- auto-manual switch
- automatic-manual switch
- autoretract switch
- binary switch
- blade breakage switch
- block skip switch
- block switch
- breakdown switch
- cam switch
- changeover switch
- coarse-fine switch
- control switch
- crossover switch
- cutoff switch
- cycle switch
- cycle-setting switch
- delay switch
- DIP switch
- directional switch
- direction-reversing switch
- disconnect switch
- double-trigger switch
- earthing switch
- electronic switch
- emergency limit switch
- emergency stop limit switch
- end-of-bar switch
- feed switch
- finger-tip switch
- fixed distance retract switch
- flowmeter switch
- foot switch
- foot-operated switch
- forward/reverse switch
- gang switch
- ganged switch
- gate-controlled switch
- grounding switch
- guard-locking switch
- home switch
- index switch
- inductive limit switch
- inductive switch
- insertion switch
- interlock switch
- isolating switch
- key selector switch
- key switch
- knife switch
- level switch
- lever switch
- load-dependent switch
- lockout switch
- magnetic flux sensitive switch
- main switch
- master electric switch
- matrix switch
- micro switch
- mirror image switch
- mode select switch
- mode switch
- momentary-contact switch
- multimode switch
- multiplex switch
- multiplexer switch
- multistep selection switch
- normally closed switch
- normally opened switch
- omnidirectional switch
- on-off software related switches
- on-off switch
- optical switch
- optomechanical Q-switch
- out-of-stock switch
- overload switch
- override switch
- padlockable switch
- pallet-presence switch
- passive Q-switch
- pendant switch
- piezopulse and mechanical switch
- position switch
- power cutoff switch
- power disconnect switch
- preset switchs
- press-at-any-point switch
- pressure limit switch
- pressure sensing switch
- programmable limit switch
- programmable off switch
- programmable on switch
- pushbutton switch
- Q-switch
- reed switch
- retract switch
- return switch
- reversing switch
- rotary switch
- safety cutoff switch
- safety pressure switch
- safety switch
- safety-interlock switch
- selection switch
- selective switch
- selector switch
- sensor switch
- silicon bilateral switch
- slide switch
- snap-action switch
- software switch
- software-defined switch
- softwire related switches
- softwired limit switch
- solid state switch
- speed-tension control switch
- spindle control switch
- spindle direction reversing switch
- spindle head switch
- spindle reverse switch
- starter switch
- stepping switch
- stop switch
- stop/start switch
- temperature limit switch
- thermal overload switch
- time delay switch
- toggle switch
- touch pad switch
- triple cam switch
- tumbler switch
- two-way switch
- unilateral switch
- video switch