1. сущ. 1) банк 2) фонд 3) общий запас 4) касса • - acceptance bank - accepting bank - account in a bank - advising bank - African Development Bank - African Export-Import Bank - agent bank - application to a bank - Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa - Arab International Bank - articles of bank - Asian Development Bank - authorize a bank - bank account - Bank Advisory Committee - bank affiliate export trading company - bank agency - bank assets - bank association - bank balances - bank bond - bank branch - bank branching - bank card - bank certified check - bank charter - bank check - bank commissioner - bank creditor - bank credits - bank customer - bank department - bank deposits - bank employee - bank examination - bank examiner - bank executive - bank failure - bank for cooperatives - Bank for International Settlements - bank fraud - bank funds - bank giro account - Bank Holding Company - bank holiday - bank holidays - bank insider - bank insolvency - bank investment - bank investments - bank issue - bank law - bank lending - bank letter - bank liabilities - bank management - bank marketing - bank merger - bank note - Bank of Canada - bank of circulation - bank of commerce - bank of deposit - bank of discount - Bank of England - bank of issue - bank official - bank operation - bank organization - bank performance - bank references - bank regulation - bank secrecy - bank securities - bank staff - bank supervision - bank supervisor - bank syndicate - bank to banks - bank to government - bank trust - bank with a bank - bank with - banker's bank - big bank - borrowing bank - branch bank - branch of a bank - branch of bank - business bank - capital of bank - card-issuing bank - Caribbean Development Bank - carry out a transaction with at a bank - cash at bank and in hand - Central African States Development Bank - Central American Bank for Economic Integration - Central bank - chartered bank - check drawn on a bank - Clearing Bank - closing bank - collecting bank - commercial bank - community bank - Construction Bank - continental bank - cooperative bank - cooperative savings bank - correspondent bank - country bank - credit at bank - credit bank - credit with bank - credit-issuing bank - creditor bank - creditor of a bank - custodian bank - data bank - debtor bank - department store bank - deposit at bank - deposit bank - deposit money in a bank - deposit money with a bank - deposit with bank - depositary bank - director of bank - discount bank - district bank - domestic bank - draw a check on bank - draw money from a bank - draw on a bank - drawee bank - drive-in bank - East African Development Bank - Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - establish a bank - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - European Central Bank - European Investment Bank - exchange bank - Export-Import Bank - Federal Home Loan Banks - Federal Intermediate Credit Bank - Federal Reserve Bank - incorporated bank - industrial bank - in-house bank - in-store bank - insured bank - International Bank for Economic Cooperation - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - investment bank - issuing bank - joint stock bank - keep an account at a bank - lending bank - lending potential of an individual commercial bank - loan bank - major city bank - mercantile bank - merchant bank - mobile bank - money trading bank - mortgage bank - multiple office bank - mutual savings bank - national bank - national city bank - nonbank bank - non-member bank - nonmember bank - nonpar bank - open an account in a bank - open an account with a bank - opening bank - out-of-town bank - overseas bank - parent bank - payee's bank - penny banks - piggy bank - presenting bank - problem bank - processing bank - quasi-public bank - regional bank - remitting bank - reporting member bank - Reserve Bank - retail bank - savings bank - Soil Bank - State Bank of Construction - state bank - stock exchange bank - stock savings bank - the Bank - trading bank - trustee savings bank - unit bank - World Bank 2. гл. 1) класть деньги в банк 2) держать деньги в банке (в сберкассе) 3) заниматься банковым делом 3. прил. банковский - bank accommodation - bank account - bank association - bank charges - bank clearing - bank clerk - bank credit - bank draft - bank giro account - bank giro - bank guarantee - bank interest - bank liquidity - bank loan - bank money - bank officer - bank premises - bank rate - bank remittance - bank resources - bank return - bank transfer - banker's guarantee
Англо-русский перевод BANK
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001