Англо-русский перевод LEVEL

1. сущ. 1) уровень, ступень 2) уровень цен • - acceptable quality level - be at a low level - be at the highest level - be on a level with - be on a low level - be on the highest level - change of level - competitive price level - confidence level - economic level - educational level - employment level - feedprice level - level finish - level float - level of abstraction - level of aggregation - level of aspiration - level of authority - level of business - level of commodity prices at wholesale - level of contracting - level of detail - level of efforts - level of establishment - level of mechanization - level of production - level of supply - level premium - national price level - overall price level - peak level - profit level - qualitatively new and higher level - quality level - rise to higher level - subsistence level - wholesale level 2. прил. 1) равный 2) равномерный 3. гл. выравнивать - level down prices - level up prices Syn: match

English-Russian dictionary of economics.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике.