Англо-русский перевод IRON

1) железо

2) чугун

3) pl железные изделия

4) прочность; твёрдость

5) править ( прокат )

to iron down — рихтовать; править; выглаживать

to iron out — выравнивать, сглаживать

- abrasion-resistant cast iron

- abrasion-resistant iron

- acicular iron

- acid-bessemer pig iron

- acid-resistant cast iron

- acid-resistant iron

- alloyed cast iron

- alloyed iron

- alpha iron

- American malleable cast iron

- American malleable iron

- angle iron

- annealed sheet iron

- armco iron

- as-cast iron

- austenitic cast iron

- austenitic iron

- bar iron

- basic Bessemer pig iron

- basic pig iron

- bead iron

- beak iron

- bearing cast iron

- Bessemer pig iron

- beta iron

- black sheet iron

- black-cored malleable cast iron

- black-cored malleable iron

- black-heart malleable cast iron

- black-heart malleable iron

- blast-broken iron

- blow-lamp soldering iron

- box iron

- brittle iron

- broken iron

- bulb iron

- bundle iron

- bushelled iron

- carbonyl iron

- case-hardened cast iron

- case-hardened iron

- cast iron

- cerium-treated cast iron

- cerium-treated iron

- charcoal hearth iron

- charcoal pig iron

- chilled cast iron

- cinder pig iron

- clamp iron

- close-grain cast iron

- close-grained cast iron

- coarse-grain cast iron

- coarse-grained cast iron

- cobalt-nickel cast iron

- cobalt-nickel iron

- coke iron

- coke pig iron

- cold blown pig iron

- cold pig iron

- cold-blast pig iron

- cold-short iron

- commercial iron

- conversion pig iron

- converter iron

- convex iron

- core iron

- corrosion-resistant cast iron

- corrosion-resistant iron

- corrugated iron

- corrugated sheet iron

- cramp iron

- cupola iron

- delta iron

- dephosphorized iron

- desulfurized iron

- double-T iron

- dry iron

- ductile iron

- electric soldering iron

- electrolytic iron

- enameled iron

- engineering cast iron

- equal angle iron

- European malleable iron

- fagoted iron

- fashioned iron

- ferric iron

- ferritic cast iron

- ferritic modular cast iron

- ferritic modular iron

- ferrous iron

- figured iron

- fine-grained iron

- finished iron

- flake graphite iron

- flat iron

- forge iron

- foundry iron

- foundry pig iron

- free-running iron

- g iron

- galvanized iron

- gamma iron

- grab iron

- grain-oriented silicon iron

- granulated iron

- graphitic pig iron

- gray cast iron

- gray pig iron

- H iron

- hack iron

- half-round iron

- hammered iron

- hammer-headed soldering iron

- heat-resistant cast iron

- heavily alloyed iron

- hematite pig iron

- high-alloy iron

- high-carbon iron

- high-chromium cast iron

- high-chromium iron

- high-duty cast iron

- high-grade cast iron

- high-grade iron

- high-phosphorus iron

- high-quality iron

- high-silicon iron

- high-strength cast iron

- high-strength iron

- high-tensile cast iron

- high-tensile iron

- high-test cast iron

- high-test iron

- hot-blast pig iron

- hot-blown pig iron

- hot-short iron

- ingot iron

- inoculated cast iron

- L iron

- ladle-treated iron

- laminated sheet iron

- lightly mottled gray cast iron

- lightly mottled gray iron

- liquid iron

- little-beak iron

- loaded iron

- low-carbon iron

- low-expansion cast iron

- low-expansion iron

- low-manganese iron

- low-phosphorus iron

- low-silicon iron

- low-slag iron

- low-sulphur iron

- magnesium-treated cast iron

- magnet iron

- magnetic iron

- magnetic metallic iron

- malleable cast iron

- malleable iron

- manganese iron

- manganese white cast iron

- manganese white iron

- manganiferous white cast iron

- manganiferous white iron

- martensitic iron

- mechanite cast iron

- medium-phosphorus iron

- merchant bar iron

- modified heat-resistant iron

- modified iron

- molten iron

- molten pig iron

- mottled iron

- mottled pig iron

- natural alloy iron

- nodular cast iron

- nonmagnetic cast iron

- nonmagnetic iron

- off-analysis iron

- offgrade iron

- off-sulphur iron

- open-grained cast iron

- open-hearth pig iron

- ordinary quality gray iron

- oriented silicon iron

- pasty iron

- pearlitic cast iron

- phosphoric iron

- pig iron

- plate iron

- porcelain enameling iron

- porous cast iron

- powdered iron

- profile iron

- profiled iron

- puddling pig iron

- pure iron

- rapping iron

- reduced metallic iron

- refined bar iron

- refined cast iron

- refined pig iron

- remelted iron

- riffled iron

- rivet iron

- rolled iron

- roll-foundry iron

- round iron

- scrapped iron

- second-melt iron

- section iron

- sectional iron

- set iron

- sheet iron

- short-cycle malleable iron

- side irons

- silicious iron

- silicon iron

- silicon-treated gray cast iron

- slag iron

- sluggish iron

- soft iron

- soldering iron

- sow iron

- specular iron

- spherical graphite iron

- spheroidal graphite cast iron

- spheroidal graphite iron

- spherulitic iron

- spiegel iron

- sponge iron

- stainless iron

- standard Bessemer iron

- static-cast iron

- steel-making iron

- steely iron

- strap iron

- strip iron

- synthetic iron

- tamping iron

- tapping iron

- T-bulb iron

- tee iron

- telluric iron

- Thomas iron

- tilted iron

- tramp iron

- two-beak iron

- ultrasonic soldering iron

- ungraded iron

- very-open-grained pig iron

- waste iron

- wear-resistant cast iron

- weld iron

- welding iron

- white iron

- whiteheart malleable iron

- wrenching iron

- wrought iron

- young iron

- zone-purified iron

English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation 2.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2.