1) конечная позиция (при перемещении), конечная точка 2) терминал, конечное устройство, оконечное устройство || терминальный 3) конечное слово; конечный слог 4) зажим, клемма; ввод; вывод • - anode terminal - blank terminal - BTR terminal - CAD terminal - cathode terminal - component's terminals - CRT terminal - CRT-based terminal - current terminal - data terminal - data-entry terminal - design terminal - desk-top terminal - dumb terminal - dump terminal - EDP terminal - ESD terminal - external input terminal - forward terminal - gate terminal - hand-held terminal - hardcopy terminal - high-voltage terminal - induction terminal - intelligent terminal - interactive terminal - intermediate voltage terminal - keyboard terminal - local intelligent terminal - low-voltage terminal - machine interface terminal - main terminal - master terminal - negative current terminal - network terminal - networked DNC terminal - networked terminal - nonusable terminal - output terminal - portable hand-held terminal - positive current terminal - radio data terminal - remote dispatch terminal - remote terminal - room terminal - shopfloor terminal - supervisory terminal - terminal of belt conveyor - transfer terminal - video display terminal - video terminal - work-station factory terminal
Англо-русский перевод TERMINAL
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003