1. _v. 1> сравнивать, сличать (with) We can start by comparing the work of the historian with the work of the politician. It is unfair of a man to compare his wife with his mother. 2> сравнивать, ставить наравне 3> сравниться; выдерживать сравнение; not to be compared with/to - не может сравниться с; to compare favourably with smth. - выгодно отличаться от чего-л.; as compared with - по сравнению с 4> уподоблять (to) The writer was compared to Shakespeare. I can compare her poetry to the greatest poems of the present century. - compare with - compare notes _Syn: approach, approximate, correspond, parallel, resemble, savour of, smack of _Ant: contrast, oppose 2. _n. - beyond compare - past compare - without compare
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English-Russian Muller's dictionary 24 edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера 24 редакция. 2012