1) центр; центральная точка 2) точка окостенения (тела позвонка) • - activation center - active center - apneustic center - associative centers - Broca's center - cell center - center of dispersal - center of inhibition - center of origin - conservation center - deglutition center - erection center - facial center - gustatory center - heat-regulating center - inspiratory center - medullary vasomotor center - mitotic center - nerve center - organization center - ossification center - phage infective center - pleasure centers - pneumotaxic center - punishment centers - reactive center - reflex center - respiratory center - speech center - spinal vasomotor center - swallowing center - vasomotor center
Англо-русский перевод CENTER
Чибисова О.И., Смирнов Н.Н.. New English-Russian dictionary of biology. Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии. 2003