рефлекс; рефлекторный - abdominal reflex - acceleratory reflex - acquired reflex - active conditioned reflex - arc reflex - attitudinal reflex - axon reflex - behavior reflex - bending reflex - biceps reflex - blink reflex - body-righting reflex - bony reflex - cardio-acceleratory reflex - cardio-inhibitory reflex - carotid-sinus reflex - chain conditioned reflex - ciliary reflex - coeliac-plexus reflex - compound reflex - concealed reflex - conditioned reflex - congenital reflex - conjunctival reflex - cortical conditioned reflex - crossed reflex - cutaneous reflex - deep reflex - defensive reflex - deglutition reflex - delayed reflex - depressory reflex - direct conditioned reflex - direct reflex - extension reflex - eyelid closure reflex - flexion reflex - food reflex - food-procuring reflex - gag reflex - grasp reflex - imitating reflex - inborn reflex - indirect reflex - inhibitory reflex - investigatory reflex - iris-contraction reflex - iris-dilatation reflex - jaw-winking reflex - jerk reflex - jump reflex - labyrinthine reflex - monosynaptic Hoffmannn reflex - monosynaptic reflex - motor reflex - muscular reflex - myotatic reflex - near reflex - neck reflex - neck-righting reflex - ocular feeding reflex - oculo-cardiac reflex - oculocephalogyric reflex - ophthalmic reflex - optomotor reflex - orientative reflex - overactive reflex - pain reflex - patellar reflex - Pavlov's reflex - pharyngeal reflex - phasic reflex - pilomotor reflex - postural reflex - psychogalvanic reflex - pupillar reflex - pupillary reflex - rebound reflex - recessive conditioned reflex - reflex of movement - reinforced reflex - retarded reflex - righting reflex - sinus reflex - skin reflex - skin-muscle reflex - sole reflex - spinal reflex - spreading reflex - static reflex - stretch reflex - sucking reflex - swallowing reflex - switching reflex - tendon reflex - trace conditioned reflex - trained reflex - trigemino-facialis reflex - unconditioned reflex - unlocking reflex - vagal reflex - vasomotor reflex - vasopressor reflex - vestibulo-ocular reflex - viscero-visceral reflex
Англо-русский перевод REFLEX
Чибисова О.И., Смирнов Н.Н.. New English-Russian dictionary of biology. Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии. 2003