Are we to infer from the texts that the pupils do not understand the differences between inborn and conditioned reflexes ?
He hit the deck, moulding himself into the shadow as a matter of conditioned reflex .
Such a response is a conditioned reflex .
There is an obvious difficulty in explaining all learnt behaviour in terms of conditioned reflexes .
The results are used to help the teacher to diagnose student deficiencies. extinction See also under learning: conditioned reflex .
It was assumed that all learning could be reduced to a series of conditioned reflexes .
They have quick reflexes and disappear into their tubes when disturbed.
By reflex action - a mechanism of the nervous system - the threatened hand is instantly withdrawn and the threatened eye closed.
He caught her arm in mid-air, a deceptively lazy reflex action , his fingers biting into her forearm.
You develop a reflex action of reaching for the bowl.
As the knife entered her she seemed to try to double up, but it was only a reflex action .
His reflex action was to bend and swing round violently, and I was thrown to the ground.
We then moved close and fired from the hip and shoulder in reflex action shooting.
It had been a kind of reflex action .
The fundamental processes of an animal's behaviour include reflex action , orientation, and learning.
However, too much alcohol slows reflexes and can cause aggression or sleepiness, leading to accidents.
Lexandro and his companions were simply about to test their reflexes , their accuracy, their control of the power suits.
This can be done quickly in the following manner: Test the corneal reflexes and facial sensation in the usual manner.
He kept banging my leg with his little rubber hammer to test my reflexes , but there was no reaction.
Hawthorne said she fired the gun as a reflex when her husband shouted.
Though in a coma, the patient shows signs of brain activity, such as reflexes.
Almost as a reflex , he smiled grimly to himself.
Are we to infer from the texts that the pupils do not understand the differences between inborn and conditioned reflexes?
Development proceeds as the infant explores the environment via his or her reflexes.
Ellen thought that the smile was a reflex .
It is best to ignore this rather frantic reflex .
None of the patients was taking any medication known to interfere with cardiovascular reflexes.
So ingrained is the reflex of contention that even seemingly unobjectionable ideas provoke it.