Англо-русский перевод FEE

1) вознаграждение; гонорар 2) пошлина; денежный сбор; взнос • - additional fee - annual patent fee - appeal fee - application fee - attorney's fee - basic fee under the PCT - contingent fee - court fees - deposit fee - designation fee - examination fee - extra fee - fee for a design - fee for a patent - fee for a trademark - fee for laying open the application documents - fee per an article - fee required by law - filing fee - final fee - handling fee - increase in fee due to classification - international fee under the PCT - issuance fee - license fee - litigation fee - maintenance fee - national fee under the PCT - official fee - preliminary examination fee - prescribed filing fee - printing fee - publication fee - reasonable fee - registration fee - renewal fee - sealing fee - search fee - total fees - transmittal fee - upfront license fee - up-front license fee

Глядков С.В.. English-Russian dictionary of patents and trademarks.      Англо-Русский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам.