▪ exorbitant , fat ( informal ), hefty , high , huge , large , substantial
I expect you had to pay a fat ~ to your divorce lawyers.
▪ low , modest , nominal , reasonable , small
We had to pay a nominal ~ to join the club.
Their ~s are reasonable.
▪ fixed , flat , set
Many tax advisers now offer fixed-fee interviews.
▪ full
▪ reduced
▪ normal , standard , usual
▪ appropriate
Send the form, together with the appropriate ~, to this address.
▪ additional , extra , top-up ( BrE )
There is no additional ~ for this insurance cover.
university top-up ~s
▪ late ( esp. AmE ), outstanding ( esp. BrE ), unpaid ( esp. BrE )
We will be taking active steps to collect the outstanding ~s.
▪ upfront
▪ annual , hourly , monthly , yearly
▪ one-off ( BrE ), one-time ( AmE )
▪ enrolment/enrollment , initiation ( AmE )
a $1 200 initiation ~
▪ attorney ( AmE ), court , filing ( AmE ), legal
▪ consultancy ( esp. BrE ), consulting ( esp. AmE ), contingency , management , professional
the professional ~s of the lawyers and accountants involved
▪ admission , entrance , entry , joining ( esp. BrE ), membership , subscription
a £30 membership ~
▪ user
▪ administration ( esp. AmE ), administrative ( esp. AmE ), application , arrangement ( BrE ), booking ( BrE ), cancellation , franchise ( esp. AmE ), handling , licence/license , licensing , processing , referral , registration , royalty , service ( esp. AmE ), set-up , transaction
▪ college ( BrE ), course ( BrE ), school ( BrE ), student , tuition
▪ rental
▪ maintenance ( esp. AmE )
▪ parking
▪ transfer (= charges paid by a sports team buying a player from another team) ( BrE )
▪ green ( BrE ), greens (= a charge to use a golf course) ( AmE )
▪ charge , impose
They charge higher ~s to overseas students.
▪ incur
Employees are reimbursed for any legal ~s incurred when they relocate.
▪ pay
▪ collect , command , earn , generate , receive
The company will earn a ~ for every barrel of oil produced.
▪ waive
He agreed to waive his usual ~.
▪ refund , reimburse
▪ increase , raise
▪ lower , reduce
▪ agree ( BrE ), negotiate
She negotiated a ~ of $1 800 a week.
▪ set
Freelance writers often set their own ~s.
▪ cover
You'll need money to cover ~s and expenses.
▪ afford
▪ be due , be payable
All ~s are payable when the invoice is issued.
▪ apply
Additional security ~s apply.
▪ cover sth , include sth
The ~ includes the cost of testing the electric wiring.
▪ go up , increase , rise
The admission ~ has gone up.
▪ income , revenue
The company's consultancy ~ income rose by 3% last year.
▪ payment
▪ schedule ( AmE )
▪ structure
▪ increase
▪ for a ~
For a small ~, anyone can use these facilities.
▪ ~ for
We now charge a ~ for museum entrance.
▪ ~ on
the administrative ~s on the pension scheme