Англо-русский перевод MATTER

1) предмет, объект 2) вещество 3) материал 4) сущность, содержание 5) вопрос; дело 6) набранный текст • - additional matter in a patent application - additional matter - advertising matter - back matter - body matter - chief matter - deceptive matter - descriptive matter - end matter - formal matter - infringement matter - inventive subject matter - license matter - matter at issue - matter in controversy - matter in dispute - new matter - no matter how - nondisclosed subject matter - nonobvious subject matter - nonstatutory subject matter - object matter - obvious subject matter - patent matter - patentable subject matter - printed matter - scientific matter - subject matter - type matter - unsupported matter

Глядков С.В.. English-Russian dictionary of patents and trademarks.      Англо-Русский словарь по патентам и товарным знакам.