1) конус; коническая поверхность 2) купол 3) радио диффузор 4) воронка; сопло 5) холм конической формы 6) геол. конус выноса 7) метал конусная головка разматывателя (рулонов) 8) сварка ядро пламени 9) конусообразный, конический, конусный 10) придавать форму конуса • angular opening of cone — матем. угол раствора конуса cone over polyhedron — матем. конус над полиэдром frustum of a cone — усечённый конус tangent cone of quadratic surface — матем. конус касательных к поверхности второго порядка tangent cone of sphere — матем. конус касательных к сфере - ablation cone - absolute cone - affine cone - asymptotic cone - atomizing cone - attainable cone - auxiliary cone - barrier cone - blunted cone - bodily cone - brake cone - centering cone - characteristic cone - circular cone - closed cone - compass-card jewel cone - cone of a complex - cone of attainable directions - cone of curvature - cone of divergence - cone of feasible directions - cone of hyperboloid - cone of interior directions - cone of mapping - cone of morphisms - cone of normals - cone of positivity - cone of potentials - cone of rays - cone of revolution - cone of silence - cone of tangents - confidence cone - conjugate cone - convex cone - debris cone - degenerate cone - director cone - division-closed cone - double cone - double-napped cone - dual cone - elliptic cone - exhaust cone - finite cone - flame cone - floating cone - gear cone - generating cone - half-angle cone - hyperbolic cone - hyperspherical cone - imaginary cone - infinite cone - initial cone - inscribed cone - inverse cone - isotropic cone - lattice cone - light cone - limit cone - line cone - local cone - locally compact cone - Mach cone - mapping cone - metric cone - minihedral cone - n-dimensional cone - negative cone - neighboring cone - nondegenerate cone - normal cone - nose cone - null cone - oblique cone - order-defining cone - ordinary cone - orientable cone - parabolic cone - partial cone - pitch cone - pointed cone - polishing cone - polygonal cone - polyhedral cone - positive cone - projective cone - propeller cone - proper cone - quadric cone - ray cone - real cone - recession cone - reciprocal cone - reduced cone - regular cone - representative cone - right cone - ringed cone - salient cone - scalene cone - self-reciprocal cone - semialgebraic cone - shadow cone - sinuous circular cone - speaker cone - strict cone - tail cone - terminal cone - totally regular cone - truncated cone - vanish cone - velocity cone - vortex cone - warped cone - wind cone - winding cone
Англо-русский перевод CONE
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005