n. & v.
1. a solid figure with a circular (or other curved) plane base, tapering to a point.
2 a thing of a similar shape, solid or hollow, e.g. as used to mark off areas of roads.
3 the dry fruit of a conifer.
4 an ice-cream cornet.
5 any of the minute cone-shaped structures in the retina.
6 a conical mountain esp. of volcanic origin.
7 (in full cone-shell) any marine gastropod mollusc of the family Conidae.
8 Pottery a ceramic pyramid, melting at a known temperature, used to indicate the temperature of a kiln.
1. shape like a cone.
2 (foll. by off) Brit. mark off (a road etc.) with cones.
Etymology: F c{ocirc}ne f. L conus f. Gk konos