Англо-русский перевод CURVE

1) кривая || проводить кривую 2) выгиб, закругление 3) изгиб, искривление || изгибаться, искривляться 4) лекало 5) траектория 6) характеристика; график • break of a curve — излом кривой inflection of a curve — изгиб характеристики loop of a curve — геом. завиток кривой to plot curve point by point — строить кривую по точкам - abnormal curve - abrupt curve - abstract curve - acceleration curve - accumulation curve - adjustment curve - admissible curve - affine curve - algebraic curve - allokurtic curve - altitude curve - amphidromic curve - approximating curve - arc curve - arrival curve - associated holomorphic curve - asymptotic curve - ballistic curve - base curve - basket curve - behavior of curve - bell-shaped curve - best performance curve - B-H curve - bicharacteristic curve - bicircular curve - bimodal curve - binodal curve - binomial curve - binormal curve - bipartite cubic curve - birationally projected curve - blind curve - block curve - boundary curve - bounding curve - branch curve - broken analytic curve - broken curve - building-up curve - calculated curve - calibration curve - canonical curve - catenary curve - caustic curve - central curve - cissoidal curve - climb curve - clitic curve - closed curve - coexistence curve - community indifference curve - compact curve - comparison curve - complete smooth curve - completely isotropic curve - complex analytical curve - compound curve - compressed curve - confidence curve - conic curve - connecting curve - continuously differentiable curve - contracted curve - contractible curve - convex curve - correlation curve - cosecant curve - cosine curve - cotangent curve - counter curve - covariance curve - crevasse curve - criss-cross curve - critical curve - cruciform curve - crunodal double curve - cubic curve - cumulative curve - cumulative distribution curve - curve of alignment - curve of constant direction - curve of constant slope - curve of elliptic type - curve of growth - curve of payoffs - curve of pursuit - curve of quickest descent - curve of regression - curve of the crossover - curve of zero length - cycle curve - cyclic curve - cyclically connected curve - cycloidal curve - damped exponential curve - dashed-line curve - data curve - decay curve - decomposable curve - decreasing curve - degenerate curve - demand curve - dendrite curve - developable curve - discriminant curve - distribution density curve - dose-response curve - dotted curve - double-humped curve - double-humped curve - doubly connected curve - drawing curve - drop-down curve - dual curve - easement curve - effective curve - eight curve - elementary curve - elliptic curve - envelope curve - epidemic curve - equidistant curve - equipotential curve - equitangential curve - exceptional curve - extendible curve - extrapolated curve - extremal curve - falling ladder curve - figure-of-eight curve - first-variational curve - fit smooth curve - flat-topped curve - focal curve - free curve - freehand curve - frequency response curve - full curve - funicular curve - fusiblity curve - gage curve - gamma curve - general curve - generalized curve - geometric curve - gluing curve - gradient curve - graduation curve - heart-shaped curve - high plane curve - higher plane curve - hodograph curve - holomorphic curve - holomorphically planar curve - homoclinic curve - horizontal curve - hull of curve - hump of curve - hyperbolic curve - hyperelliptic curve - hypothetical curve - hysteresis curve - ideal curve - idealized frequency curve - image curve - imaginary curve - improper curve - indifference curve - inflection of curve - influence curve - inscribed curve - integration on curve - interaction curve - invariant curve - inverse of curve - involute curve - irreducible curve - irregular curve - isobathic curve - isobias curve - isochronic curve - isofrequency curve - isokurtic curve - isoptic curve - isoquant curve - isoutility curve - jagged curve - kappa curve - kinked curve - knotted curve - left-handed curve - length of curve - leptokurtic curve - level curve - life curve - local curve - locally rectifiable curve - locally simple curve - logistic curve - lognormal curve - longitudinal curve - loxodromic curve - median curve - meromorphic curve - mesokurtic curve - minimal curve - modular curve - moment curve - multimodal curve - multiply connected curve - multivalued curve - narrow curve - nearly circular curve - negatively skewed curve - nondegenerate curve - nondimensional curve - non-dimensional curve - nonoverlapping curve - nonrectifiable curve - nonsingular curve - normal distribution curve - normal frequency curve - normal law curve - normal to curve - normed curve - null curve - open curve - orbiform curve - order curve - oriented curve - orthoptic curve - osculating curve - oval curve - panalgebraic curve - parabolic curve - parabolically convex curve - parametric curve - parametrized curve - path curve - pathological curve - peak of curve - peaked curve - peaked curve - percentile curve - periodic curve - periodicity of curve - piecewise continuous curve - piecewise differentiable curve - piecewise rectifiable curve - piecewise smooth curve - platykurtic curve - plot curve - pluricanonical curve - point curve - point of curve - pointed curve - point-to-point curve - polarizing curve - polygonal curve - polytropic curve - positively skewed curve - primitive curve - prognosis curve - projection curve - proportional curve - pseudoasymptotic curve - quadratic curve - quasialgebraic curve - quasiasymptotic curve - quasiplane curve - quasispherical curve - ramification curve - random curve - ranging of curve - rational curve - real curve - reciprocal curve - recrystallization curve - regression curve - resonance curve - resultant curve - retrace curve - return curve - right-handed curve - risk curve - rocking curve - root locus curve - rose curve - rounding-off curve - run curve - sample curve - saw tooth curve - saw-toothed curve - scedastic curve - second-order curve - sectionally smooth curve - segment of curve - semirectifiable curve - semiregular curve - serpentine curve - sigmoid curve - simple abnormal curve - simple closed curve - simple curve - simply connected curve - single-humped curve - singly connected curve - sinusoid curve - skewed curve - slight curve - slope curve - smoothed curve - snowflake curve - solidification curve - solution curve - space curve - space-like curve - spatial curve - spectral distribution curve - spiric curve - standard curve - starcase curve - star-shaped curve - step curve - stimulus-response curve - strictly convex curve - summation curve - supersingular curve - supporting curve - system head curve - tailed curve - tame curve - tautochronic curve - theoretical curve - three-dimensional curve - time-like curve - time-temperature curve - tortuous curve - total curve - traffic curve - transcendental curve - transient response curve - trend curve - trigonal curve - trigonometric curve - triply connected curve - truncated curve - twice differentiable curve - twisted curve - two-branched curve - unicursal curve - unimodal curve - unrectified curve - variance-time curve - wide curve - wild curve

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.