(~s, curving, ~d)
A ~ is a smooth, gradually bending line, for example part of the edge of a circle.
...the ~ of his lips.
...a ~ in the road.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
If something ~s, or if someone or something ~s it, it has the shape of a ~.
Her spine ~d...
The track ~d away below him.
...a knife with a slightly curving blade...
A small, unobtrusive smile ~d the cook’s thin lips.
VERB: V, V adv/prep, V-ing, V n
If something ~s, it moves in a ~, for example through the air.
The ball ~d strangely in the air.
You can refer to a change in something as a particular ~, especially when it is represented on a graph.
Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand ~...
N-COUNT: usu with supp
see also learning ~
If someone throws you a ~ or if they throw you a ~ ball, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect. (mainly AM)
At the last minute, I threw them a ~ ball by saying, ‘We’re going to bring spouses’.
PHRASE: V inflects