Function: noun
Date: 1666
1 a : a line especially when curved: as (1) : the path of a moving point (2) : a line defined by an equation so that the coordinates of its points are functions of a single independent variable or parameter b : the graph of a variable
2 : something curved: as a : a curving line of the human body b plural : PARENTHESIS
4 : a distribution indicating the relative performance of individuals measured against each other that is used especially in assigning good, medium, or poor grades to usually predetermined proportions of students rather than in assigning grades based on predetermined standards of achievement
5 : TREND <a growth curve in advertising revenues> especially : a prevalent trend or rate of progress ― often used in the phrases ahead of the curve and behind the curve <companies that are behind the curve in adopting new technologies>
– curvy \ ' k ə r-v ē \ adjective