formerly (197090) United Brands Co.
U.S. company specializing in tropical produce and processed foods.
It was formed in 1970 by the merger of United Fruit Co. , a grower and marketer of bananas, and AMK Corp., the holding company for the meatpacker John Morrell and Co. Chiquita owns and leases extensive farms and plantations in Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean. Over the course of the company's history, it has grown bananas, sugar, cocoa, and abaca and has harvested tropical woods, essential oils, and rubber. More recently the company has focused on bananas and other produce, and it also processes and distributes packaged foods. "Miss Chiquita," its well-known trademark, was introduced in 1944. The familiar Chiquita stickers were first applied to the company's bananas in 1963.