Spirit or power of evil.
Though sometimes used to refer to demon s, the term more often designates the prince of evil spirits. In the Bible the Devil is known as Satan, Beelzebub, and Lucifer . In Judaism , Satan emerges as subservient to God and as an adversary and accuser of Job and other humans. In postbiblical traditions he emerges as the tempter of humankind and is responsible for all the sins in the Bible. Christian theology holds that his main task is to tempt humans to reject the way of life and redemption in favour of sin and death. In the Qur 02BE; 0101; n the Devil is frequently associated with Ibl 012B; s ; he tempts the unfaithful but not the true believer. In Hinduism there is no principal devil, although there are a variety of demons or devilish beings. Buddhist s also recognize the existence of many demons, and Mara , the Buddha 's opponent and tempter, is sometimes identified as a specific devil.