Organ that receives light and visual images.
Non-image forming, or direction, eyes are found among worms, mollusks, cnidarians, echinoderms, and other invertebrates; image-forming eyes are found in certain mollusks, most arthropods, and nearly all vertebrates. Arthropods are unique in possessing a compound eye, which results in their seeing a multiple image that is partially integrated in the brain. Lower vertebrates such as fish have eyes on either side of the head, allowing a maximum view of the surroundings but producing two separate fields of vision. In predatory birds and mammals, binocular vision became more important. Evolutionary changes in the placement of the eyes permitted a larger overlap of the two visual fields, resulting in the higher mammals in a parallel line of direct sight. The human eye is roughly spherical. Light passes through its transparent front and stimulates receptor cells on the retina (cones for colour vision, rods for black-and-white vision in faint light), which in turn send impulses through the optic nerve to the brain. Vision disorders include near-and farsightedness and astigmatism (correctable with eyeglasses or contact lens es), colour blindness , and night blindness. Other eye disorders (including detached retina and glaucoma ) can cause visual-field defect s or blindness . See also ophthalmology ; photoreception .
[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)
tiger's eye
apotropaic eye
cat's eye
evil eye
{{link=Seeing Eye dog">Seeing Eye dog
deceive the eye
black eyed pea
One Eyed
black eyed Susan