orig. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
born Nov. 25, 1881, Sotto il Monte, Italy
died June 3, 1963, Rome
Pope (1958–63).
He studied theology in Rome, was ordained a priest in 1904, and held a variety of church offices. In 1944 he was named papal nuncio to newly liberated France, where he successfully revived sympathy for the Vatican. Made a cardinal in 1953, he was elected pope after the death of Pius XII in 1958. Because of his advanced age, he was expected to be little more than a caretaker in the office, but instead he became the major reforming pope of the century. Eager to lead the church into the modern era, he called the Second Vatican Council in 1962 and invited Eastern Orthodox and Protestant observers to join Catholic delegates. He also sought to repair relations with the Jews. Though John died before the end of the council, it went on to make major reforms in Catholic liturgy and administration. An energetic advocate of world peace, John was one of the most popular popes in history.
John XXIII, 1963