Ancient and medieval infantry weapon consisting of a long, metal-pointed spear with a heavy wooden shaft 10–20 ft (3–6 m) in length.
Its use by Swiss foot soldiers in the 14th century contributed to the decline of the feudal knights. A variation is used by the picador in bullfighting .
Any of several voracious freshwater fishes (family Esocidae, order Salmoniformes) with a slender body, small scales, long head, shovel-like snout, large mouth, and strong teeth, and with dorsal and anal fins far back on the tail.
The northern pike ( Esox lucius ) of North America, Europe, and northern Asia may grow to 4.5 ft (1.4 m) long and weigh 45 lbs (20 kg). A solitary hunter, it lies motionless or lurks among weeds, then suddenly lunges, seizing an approaching fish or invertebrate. Large species also take waterfowl and small mammals. See also muskellunge , pickerel .
Northern pike ( Esox lucius )
Russ Kinne
Photo Researchers
[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)
Pike Kenneth Lee
Pike Zebulon Montgomery
{{link=Pikes Peak">Pikes Peak