Meaning of PIKE in English

noun & ·v a large haycock.

2. pike ·noun & ·v a turnpike; a toll bar.

3. pike ·noun & ·v a pointed or peaked hill.

4. pike ·noun & ·v a pick.

5. pike ·noun & ·v a hayfork.

6. pike ·noun & ·v a pointed head or spike; ·esp., one in the center of a shield or target.

7. pike ·noun & ·v a foot soldier's weapon, consisting of a long wooden shaft or staff, with a pointed steel head. it is now superseded by the bayonet.

8. pike (·sg & ·pl) a large fresh-water fish (esox lucius), found in europe and america, highly valued as a food fish;

— called also pickerel, gedd, luce, and jack.

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